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The Garmin GMC 507 control panel offers a dedicated interface for the GFC 500 autopilot in certified aircraft as well as G3X autopilots in experimental and light sport aircraft. GMC 507 allows pilots to control the advanced features offered by Garmin digital autopilot systems, including advanced autopilot modes such as indicated airspeed hold, independent flight director and third-axis yaw damper (when installed with appropriate servos). Plus, the control wheel integrated into the GMC 507 makes for easier pitch, vertical speed and airspeed adjustments, while separate knobs allow twist-control of heading/track and altitude.

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In The Lion Guard, Mufasa serves as a spirit guide to his grandson Kion when he needs advice, and sometimes appears on his own when he notices he is troubled by something. When Kion is a teenager, Kion fights against Scar's spirit and his army, winning, but gets bit by Ushari, who gave him a scar on his eye. As a result, during the journey to the Tree of Life, the adolescent lion stops communicating with his grandfather due to issues with his scar and personal concerns about turning evil like Scar, and Mufasa has become worried that he forgot about him, just like Simba did years ago when he became an adult. When they finally talk again, Mufasa reassures Kion that he would always be here for him no matter what, showing that regardless of his grandson's scar, he still loves him dearly. Alongside Askari and the previous queen of the Tree of Life, Janna, he proudly watches over Kion after his marriage to Rani by accepting her as his paternal granddaughter-in-law. Jones reprised his role in the pilot episode, but the character was voiced by Gary Anthony Williams in subsequent appearances.

The Three Natives (voiced by Jeff Bennett) are a trio of tribes who are really university students taking part in the "Be a Native" weekends. They have a leader (also voiced by Bennett) who is also a university student and usually precedes what he says with "Bungala, bungala." The natives first appear in the pilot episode "Boara Boara", where it is shown that they've once served a warthog king and they mistake and treat Pumbaa for said king while making Timon his servant. Everything goes well until they make Pumbaa relight the fire and realize that he's an impostor when they see that he is unable to do so. After Timon and Pumbaa escape, the three natives shed their disguises upon getting tired of the leader's tendency to hit them in the head with his staff and return to the university. The leader orders them to return or else they'll lose their deposit.

Meet Seleka, a chicken farmer from Luanshya who learned that she can start saving with just 5 ZMW from the Zazu 619 digitised financial inclusion service.FSD Zambia partnered with Zazu to pilot a digitised financial education tool. This tool aims to democratise access to financial education by putting it at the tips of people's fingers, through their mobile phones. Here are a few stories from some of Zazu's clients.

It's good that you are asking but shouldn't your chief pilot be instructing you. And if he hasn't, have you any business doing it. I'm thinking of the young 206 pilot who tried long line bucketing, of all things, 2 years ago and killed himself because he didn't know what he was doing. Also, nowadays insurance companies and the DOT and company managers too, frown on pilots doing work they haven't been properly checked out on. Give it a thought, please.

Mia moved from Uppsala in the autumn of 2012 to do a technical preparatory year at Chalmers and she is currently studying third year technical mathematics. Although Uppsala offered great opportunities for studies and a career as a pilot and traffic controller were open to her, she chose a change of environment and Chalmers.

Hi, my name is zazu! I'm an artist who loves drawing animals and also humans! And mcyt fanarts make me happy - welcome to my cursed and HIGHLY SECRET fanart blog! I'm always glad for comments and tips or drawing ideas! May the force be with you and I wish ya good luck out there in the world!

RG: ... I went back up to San Francisco, and the ship was to be commissioned on August 31, 1944, and I was not yet officially attached to the ship, despite having trained some of the crew. I wasn't living on it. I wasn't in the original group that was already earmarked or assigned to the ship. So, I showed up, and I stood on the pier, and watched the commissioning ceremony as all my future friends were standing on the ship. I was, you know, a short distance away, but, I was there for the commissioning, and I was glad to see it. ... They put me in some kind of temporary housing on Treasure Island out there, ... halfway between San Francisco and Oakland. They had Navy schools and whatever. So, I was there a few days, and then, I was told I was going to Hawaii, to a place called Camp Catlin, and I was to learn to become ... qualified in fighter direction, which means controlling the use of aircraft from a ship. You know, you say, "The enemy so-and-so, at vector so-and-so, and altitude so-and-so," and all that kind of stuff. So, as it turned out, I was pretty royally treated, not on the way out, but, I'll tell you in a minute, on the way back. I flew out on a seaplane, which took off from the San Francisco Bay. ... You could look around, and see all the downtown area, and the bridges, and everything, and off we go. First time I had ever been in a seaplane, and it was an old wonder bus kind of a seaplane, and I, being a rather new ensign, was given the last seat in the tail of this seaplane. I don't know if you have ever had the opportunity to ride in commercial planes in the tail. Don't, if you can avoid it. It's not like the old planes, but, there is a lot of vibration back there, compared to the other parts of the plane. So, anyhow, when I got out to Hawaii, ... well, it was near Hickman Field, sort of between Pearl Harbor and Honolulu. Well, we came down, and, eventually, I was taken by a truck up this winding road, up a hill, to Camp Catlin, which was in the hills in back of Pearl Harbor and Honolulu, and it was now the middle of the night, and, of course, Hawaii was all blacked out. So, I'm groping my way around. I'm told that I have a bunk in such and such a barracks, and I don't remember the name, but, I think I was turned loose at the door of this barracks, and I was completely deaf, and I can relate to that now, because I am almost that way again, but, the ... vibration on the plane had made me temporarily almost deaf, stumbling around without really hearing what people were saying. So, I come to this barracks, and there were double bunks, I think even triple bunks, but, certainly, double bunks, and I'm supposed to find a particular bunk, and, of course, there is virtually no light in there. So, I stumble around feeling kind of stupid, but, I did find my bunk, eventually. That was my arrival in Hawaii, and then, the next day, we started classes. Part of it was sort of like the amusement parks today. To get us used to the idea, we had these little vehicles, almost like golf carts, to ride around in, on the ground, and ... to give a direction, and try to intercept somebody else out there, and so forth. So, there was some of that to begin with, and then, we eventually got planes to work with, and they would send some plane out that we were supposed to be able to intercept with the planes we were controlling, and so, by radio, you give the necessary orders, and everything was fine for the most part, except, many of the pilots were pretty gung-ho Marines who had come back from pretty tough duties in the Pacific. ... They were much more interested in flying down the beach and looking at the girls than in following this young college squirt's... orders. So, it took a little negotiation, but, we did the best we could, and, eventually, I was qualified as a fighter director, interceptor, or whatever the right lingo, and they also put me through some more CIC, Combat Information Center, which is learning the use of all the equipment. ... I don't know how much this means to anybody else, but, the nerve center on a Navy ship is the Combat Information Center, where sonar, if you are pinging away for submarines, the results are coming back there. The control of aircraft might be there, the radar looking around for ships, as well as airplanes, two different kinds of radar. All this information flows in, and then, you know, your ship's course and speed. So, you are kind of the eyes and ears of the people steering the ship, especially at night, when you're not going to see anything with your naked eye. So, anyhow, I was being prepared to take up some of that type of duty. ... The other thing that was a great source of pleasure there in Hawaii was, when all of us ... got through doing our schoolwork, each day they piled us in trucks and took us down off the airport for swimming and I've always loved swimming, still do it. I'm really into it, it's what keeps me going. Well, anyhow, late afternoon, we'd go down, and, of course, in Hawaii, you always had the sunshine and a beautiful place to swim. So, that was the exercise, and then, on graduation, I was now to be flown back, which I didn't know. They were going to fly me back to San Francisco. ... It turned out, and I don't know how, other than they must have had a vacant space on it, I was assigned to the Martin Mars, which was the world's largest seaplane, at that time, and they were taking mostly wounded people back who had severe medical needs, and people that had more golden braids on their arm than I was ever going to see. So, I was, again, the low man on the totem pole, but, on a pretty fancy totem pole, and that was a great experience for me, and we landed right in San Francisco Bay. You know, taxied up almost to the foot of Market Street there. It was a nice way to arrive in San Francisco. ... 006ab0faaa

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