WEEK 5: 14 - 17 april

Welcome back everybody! This week we have two lessons, and lots of fun!

lesson 1: it was the strangest weekend of my life

I hope your weekend wasn't strange, and I hope you managed to relax and have some fun, too!

  • You are going to read a little today. A story about a boy called Alan Gibson, and a strange weekend he had.

  • Look at your tasks. Just look at them.

  • Before you start writing, CLICK HERE!

  • Now begin!

  • TASK 1 Before you read: open your notebook and put the title: It was the strangest weekend of my life.

  • TASK 2 Under the title answer the three questions on page 51 in your book.

  • TASK 3 Now, go to page 52 and do task B. (If there are words you don't understand use the word list in the back of the book!)

  • TASK 4 Check your ideas for task B. ANSWER KEY

  • TASK 5 Do task C. Write into your notebook. Remember the title of the story? Make it strange. 5 sentences max.

  • TASK 6 Draw a picture based on the story.



Look below.

Q: Why do basketball players love donuts?

A: Because they can dunk them!



Start HERE.

When you need a brain break - look at the image on the left, carefully. Can you see what it says?

Task 1. Open your book on page 52. Read the text, out loud.

Task 2. Look at questions on page 53. Who? and What? you do as speaking task. Why? questions copy and answer into your notebook. Full sentences please. To do this you need to check the real ending to the story on page 153 in your book.

Task 3. Vocabox.

Task 4. Check your ideas for vocabox HERE.

Task 5. Do the EXIT SLIP.

OPTIONAL Pick your word of the day! (from vocabox)