About EASF

To strengthen the worldwide academic connection among young researchers, in spite of the extraordinary period such as pandemic, we, graduate students and postdocs from Harvard, UPenn, MIT, UMich, Caltech, ZJU, etc., call for the action from the field of engineering and applied science.

As an attempt, we launched the Engineering and Applied Science Forum for Ph.D., Postdoc, and Young faculty (EASF_Young) on June 28, 2020. Diverse speakers are invited from top universities in America, Asia, Europe, and other regions. More and more young researchers are joining us.

This forum will be held as the Zoom webinar. As a weekly online event, each time there will be 2 to 3 invited speakers presenting their work at the cutting edges. Each speaker has 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for the followed Q&A part.

Our goal is to make this event an academic channel, a weekly show of young generation and their research. Young researchers not only share their published work, but also are encouraged to know each other, help and discuss with each other, and built up collaboration in future. Thus we expect to have a large amount of graduate students audience and participants from the world.

Like rolling a snowball, old speakers invite and cohost new speakers. If you need more information of webinar, feel free to contact us.

Initiator/Host: Baohong Chen (Harvard/UPenn)

Co-host: Members on the committee board.