
Geography and common information

Australian flag contains the British flag, a large white star (The Star of the Commonwealth) and 6 seven-pointed stars, representing Australian territories and the “South Cross” – constellation, visible only in the South.

But Aboriginal flag is different. It has black and red stripes with a yellow circle.


Australia is a country, located on Australian continent in the Southern Hemisphere.

It is the largest country in Oceania and the 6-th largest country in the world.

Australia is a part of the British Commonwealth (Great Britain), so, English queen Elizabeth-II is a queen of Australia.

The capital is Canberra


The biggest city is Sydney


Some unique animals, like kangaroos and koalas live only in Australia.

The Climate in Australia is different, there are tropical forests, savanna, deserts, forests and cold regions.

There are no big predators on this continent, so, all Australians animals are safe (at least in the past).


Australia was discovered by English traveller James Cook in 1770, but previously, Holland traveller Janson reached this continent.

In 1788 British colony “New South Wales” and Sidney were settled.

Interesting facts and myths

Rabbits are the most dangerous animals in Australia. They were imported to Australia about 150 years ago.


They had a lot of food, better climate and no enemies on this continent. As a result – they totally damaged a lot of plants, and native animals began to starve.

More than 100 years ago Australians started to fight with rabbits, using hunters, 100-kilometers fences and even bacteriological weapon!

“Cook was eaten by aboriginals of Australia”

It is not true, James Cook was killed by aboriginals of Guinea, but there are no proofs of the fact that he was eaten. But someone thinks, this is true.