Cure For Cold Sores - How to Prevent Cold Sores Before They Ruin Your Life

Although there currently is no known cure for the cold sores (hsv-1 and hsv-2 virus) which cause them, people who have had them before can often manage and even avoid them. Cold sores, usually known as fever blisters, often appear on the cheeks and around the mouth and are typically associated with burning, inflamed and red irritated skin around the outbreak sites. Most of the time, this rash goes away after a few days, but it can last anywhere from a few weeks to months, depending on the individual.

The symptoms of these outbreaks tend to vary widely in their intensity and duration, but they usually include pain, swelling, redness and sometimes itching or burning around the area of the sore. In rare instances, they can also result in mouth ulcers or lesions - symptoms which are painful and highly unsightly. Because these sores can last for months at a time, they can be extremely inconvenient, particularly if they are located in a place where they can easily be neglected. People who suffer from cold sores usually find that the symptoms are most intense in the morning and evening, during which time they are most painful and uncomfortable. Click here to know more details visit cure for cold sores .

If you suffer from fever blisters, you know how difficult they can be to deal with. As the intense pain and discomfort of the blisters often make sleep impossible, people who have them often find that their social and work life are severely affected. Because the sores can be painful and contagious, they can also be a breeding ground for the formation of dangerous bacteria. In addition, they can be an entryway to the more serious infection found under the skin's surface, known as eczema, which can also be painful and contagious.

Some people develop lip varicose veins as a result of their cold sores. These often occur in people who have diabetes, have underactive thyroid glands or are undergoing hormone replacement therapy. Lip varicose veins may appear in both directions, either on the outside or inside of the lip, and are most common after an injury to the lower leg. While some people do not experience any symptoms at all, others develop severe pain, itching and inflammation. The virus that causes the virus is transmittable, meaning it can spread from one person to another during even short periods of time.

When it comes to preventing outbreaks, your best line of defense is to avoid trigger situations. These may include touching an open wound or being in an environment where an open wound or cut has occurred before. People who frequently have unprotected sex may also be prone to first cold sores because some sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV, can lead to outbreaks.

When you notice an outbreak occurring or you already have several, you should take precautions to prevent spreading the outbreak to others. Clean up the area first and try to keep the area dry. Antiviral ointments and cream applications are very effective in helping to reduce the number of outbreaks you experience throughout the course of an outbreak. There are many brands of antiviral creams available for purchase. To find a brand you like, it may be helpful to read customer reviews. If you use the cream properly, you should see fewer outbreaks throughout the course of an outbreak.