Career Week


PURPOSE: Acquaint students with women who are accomplished in a variety of academic and non-academic fields based in the humanities or achieved through study of the humanities. Build a network within your local community or tap into national and international resources using the power of technology.

TASK: Participants hear and learn from invited guests and are encouraged to ask questions about how to consider and achieve their goals.

FACILITATOR ROLES: Invite and communicate with guests about logistics. Encourage students to come prepared with questions.

Customization Options

Expand the scope of careers represented if your program wants to lean into visual arts, technology, STEM, etc.

IMAGE: Insula Occidentale: Sappho. fresco, 1st century CE. Museo archeologico nazionale di Napoli. Erich Lessing Culture and Fine Arts Archives. Artstor, JSTOR, Accessed 5 July 2024.