Accessing Codes of Power
Accessing codes of power. What in the world does that mean?
We collaborate with communities to create a space to grow social and cultural wealth through access to dominant practices such as: applying for scholarships, educational resources, career opportunities, access to training. This includes videos, websites, trainings, lesson plans, example advocacy letters that support migrant rights.
Facing History & Ourselves uses lessons of history to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate.
The Higher Ed Immigration Portal (the Portal) is a platform that integrates data, policy analysis, and resources to support DACA and undocumented, refugee, immigrant, and international students.
Print this document to your student's school to advocate for your right to information in your own language(s). It provides the legal guidance and resources for schools in Georgia.
Find a supportive community within your school or university. Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. is the first and largest Latina sorority in the nation and was founded at Kean University in 1975 to serve as a platform for Latina women that pursued higher education.
The Alpha Chapter of Xi Kappa Fraternity, Incorporated is located at the University of Georgia and is the first multicultural Greek organization on campus. A large part of the Asian-American community, Xi Kappa often works with organizations such as the Asian-American Students Association (AASA), Vietnamese Students Association (VSA), and the Indian Cultural Exchange (ICE) in social and philanthropic events. In addition, the chapter is a member of the UGA Multicultural Greek Council and works closely with other council organizations.
Find your funding. There are scholarships and grants available for students that are awarded, meaning they do not have to be paid back. Look for scholarships and grants if you want to avoid loans or are not eligible for loans.
Understanding what is happening in various professional spaces and meetings can be difficult. American political and governmental settings use Robert's Rules of Order. Knowing these rules and following them can help you be heard whether you are in Congress, at a Student Government meeting, or a board meeting for advocacy groups and non-profits.