Rollins Latinx Alianza


History: In the spring of 2017 Rollins Latinx Alianza (RLA) was chartered through Rollins Student Government Association (RSGA) as a result of a student-led needs-assessment survey conducted in the Fall of 2016. The Latinx community had grown with the cohort of 1st year students, increasing the total number of self-identified Latinx students to a total of 72. As a result the Rollins School of Public Health (RSPH) climate, resources and curriculum were surveyed by the students with the option of indicating next steps and areas of focus. The creation of a new organization was an option voted on by the respondents which resulted in Rollins Latinx Alianza. Based on the areas of focus and concern grew the mission, vision and initiatives of RLA.

Mission: To Recruit, Retain and Reinforce the Presence of the Latinx Community at Rollins School of Public Health

Purpose: Rollins Latinx Alianza (RLA) is a student-led organization that fosters a space for solidarity, mobilization and the educational advancement of Latinx students, undocumented students, and allies at Rollins School of Public Health (RSPH).

Vision: Rollins Latinx Alianza (RLA) envisions RSPH to be a space that cultivates the intersectional identities of Latinx students through the institutionalization of practices which seek and recruit Latinx prospective students, bring Latinx faculty and staff into the classroom, establish scholarship opportunities, and forge long lasting relationships with local organizations for the advancement of our community.

Current Executive Board (2018-2019)

President: Czarina Cooper (

Outreach Liaison & Treasurer: Mariana Gutierrez (

Development Strategist: Nicole Maloney ( )

Founding Members

President and Marketing: Isabeth Mendoza, MPH '18 Global Health

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Treasurer: Samantha Lopez, MPH '18 Global Health

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Development Strategist and Outreach Liaison: Andrew Garcia, MPH '18 Health Policy and Management

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Contact Us:


Facebook: Rollins Latinx Alianza

Instagram: @Rollins_Latinx

Twitter: @RollinsLatinx