
I love sharing my passion for learning about our Universe. Understanding the magic of everyday-life physical phenomena only makes the world around us more magical to me.

I give public lectures for audiences from 3rd graders to retirees, at schools, universities and amateur astronomy clubs. Please do not hesitate to contact me!

I love DIY science and astronomy projects accessible to everyone. If you are interested, please read on!

"Ce que l'on conçoit bien s'énonce clairement,
Et les mots pour le dire viennent aisément"
-- Nicolas Boileau, Art poétique

Select public presentations

Student projects & festivals

I led a group of undergraduate students to safely launch and recover a helium balloon and photograph the Earth from near-space!

I filmed astronomers at Lick Observatory, as they gave a virtual tour for the Bay Area Science Festival.

DIY Astronomy

Celestial can
Watch the stars from the comfort of home with my DIY home planetarium. Code

DIY Star tracker or  "l'Appareil de Poursuite d'Etoiles"
Build this DIY star tracker for astrophotography
Detailed instructions v1 and v2
Coming soon: a Raspberry Pi-powered go-to mount!

DIY Telescope mirror making
Grinding, polishing and figuring a telescope mirror by hand!
Many thanks to the Telescope Makers' Workshop at the Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland, CA
Code repository to design & test mirror, with one example.

Detecting Milky Way spiral arms with the 21cm line
using a WIFI antenna, a cheap amplifier and a software-defined radio.
Controlled by a Raspberry Pi.

(Not sure if this is really astronomy ;) )

Building a functional BB8 droid

Amateur Astrophotography

Timelapses I shot during my observing run with DESI on the Mayall Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory

Supernova SN2023ixf in the Pinwheel galaxy, May 2023

Comet C2022 E3, Jan 2023

The two tails of comet NEOWISE, July 2020

Seeing Mercury next to Venus (Copernicus himself is said to have never seen it)

The Orion nebula from Kitt Peak National Observatory

2019 Perseid meteor shower

Milky Way at the 2019 dark sky festival in Lassen volcanic park

International space station lunar transit

DIY star tracker v1 and v2

Total lunar eclipse Jan 20-21 2019