Emma Lappi

Personal Webpage

I am employed as a post-doctoral researcher at The Department of Strategy and Innovation at Copenhagen Business School. I am also an affiliated researcher at The Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics at Jönköping International Business School and the Department of Industrial Economics and Management at Blekinge Institute of Technology. I obtained my Ph.D. in Economics in June 2020.

I am an applied microeconomist interested in issues related to self-employment/entrepreneurship, human capital, and productivity. My current work focuses on entrepreneurship and the role of experience, ability, childcare, and perceived safety in individual entry decisions, entrepreneurial productivity, innovation, and resilience. 

Between all my research, teaching, and policy-related activities, I also run as fast and long as possible. I am always looking for fun marathons or half-marathons to race.

Contact Information: el.si@cbs.dk 

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/LappiEmma