"Rester, c'est exister, mais voyager, c'est vivre." - Gustave Nadaud


My name is Emily Shi and this is my backyard. Currently, I am a student at Stony Brook University majoring in Biology. I'm taking classes in Chemistry, Pre-Calculus, French and, Anthropology. My current hobbies are animating and listening to music. My hobbies also include watching Netflix and sharpening up my French too :D. As a INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Prospecting) on the Myers Briggs type indicator I am a Mediator. An Empathetic one at that. I love expressing my feelings through art and using music to inspire my artworks and their meanings. Let me practice a bit of my French here and say that J'aime beaucoup manger et écouter la langue française. Je veux aussi vraiment voyager outre-mer!!


Cats are my favorite, they are superior to anything :p

FOOODDD is life, especially ice cream on a sunny day ;)

Boat-building is my favorite pass time, having a wonderful team to wood work with is the most calming thing in the world! This boat here is a Whitehall gig in progress...

BEACHES are THE places to go when its hot and when you need to learn how to swim...

ROWINGGG!! It fun & competitive which is my favorite combination. This boat we're on is the finished product of the Whitehall gig above!! It is named "The Koi" It even has orange oars to compliment our bright orange boat!