
Dr. Tucker believes that anyone who is able to put in the work is capable of being an industrial engineer. She's committed to helping you prepare for your future career.


In Fall 2023, Prof. Tucker will be teaching a core IE MS course: Engineering Optimization and Applications (IE 8030) and an elective PhD course: Optimization Under Uncertainty (IE 8850).


She has previously taught:

Student Feedback

Here's some feedback from students who took IE 4570/6570 in Fall 2020:

Would you recommend this instructor to a friend? Yes or no? Why?

100% of respondents said yes (n=36)

Other comments

And from IE 8030 in Spring 2021:

Office Hours

If you're one of her students - please come by her office hours! Dr. Tucker would love to see you and talk about class or your career. These times are set aside specifically for you. She promises not to be intimidating (and seriously - there are no dumb questions!).