

There are a number of great resources about operations research, computation, academia, etc. available online.

Dr. Tucker keeps a list of links that may be helpful to others on her github site.

Getting started on research

Software that will be helpful:

A reference manager

Programming interface

Once you've decided which programming language to use (e.g., Python, Julia, R), download the associated user interface. Here are her recommendations:

If you want to run the software in the terminal/shell, pick a text editor as well. 

Version control

If you're working with multiple people, use a version control system. This will help you manage code when multiple people are working on it.

Even if you're going solo, keep your work backed up externally (e.g., Box) and save old copies of it. She uses github for solo projects, too. For writing projects, she keeps old versions of the text in a folder called "old." It's not uncommon to need to revert to old text.


Math-heavy writing is often done using the LaTeX script.

Dr. Tucker also sometimes writes papers in Word. It's often easier for collaborators in other disciplines to use.