
Research activities in the Electronic Measurement Scientific Lab cover the following areas

Indoor positioning

The need for services in the area of position measurements inside buildings and where global positioning systems are not available, has pushed our research group to investigate techniques and technologies useful to estimate the position of moving nodes in indoor environments. This includes the usage of several enabling technologies (ultra-widebandwidth pulses, magnetic positioning, ultrasound, zigbee, bluetooth) to adapt systems to the environmental constraints. Devices and systems are developed from scratch and tested under real-world situations.

Test and measurement of data converters

The performance assessment of data converters (ADCs, DACs and TDCs) requires usage of state-of-the-art equipment and estimation procedures. Our research group is a recognized leader in this area with results and contributions to the currently available IEEE standards on these topics.

Statistical signal processing

Development of original estimation procedures to address the practical needs arising from research activities in the former two research areas. Both indoor positioning and testing of data converters require the usage of complex estimation procedures based on theoretical fundamentals. Several new techniques and estimators are being developed and published for the parametric estimation in the areas of data converter testing and distance and position estimation.
