Our Ecosystem

This project was born out of a deep belief in Palestinian-Israeli grassroot collaboration, community-building, and a feminine knowing that our vision can be a medicine for our peoples.

Maya, the project initiator, is part of a unique Palestinian-Israeli community that has created numerous activist and artistic spaces through the years, including; "Kosmic-Kamels" a Burning Man camp; “AlQarya” a contemporary Palestinian cultural event; “Falahi” a Palestinian agricultural-community space; and the “Open-Space” unconference in Beit-Jala, among others. 

Elham - the day after” is our NGO partner and administrative sponsor for this initial peace gathering, as well as inherently part of the same community. We have protested and stood together for many years, supporting each other in times of crisis and persecution. We are incredibly grateful for their help and friendship as we continue to build together and alongside one another. 


Emergent Peace and resistance gathering
Emergent Peace and resistance gathering
Emergent Peace and resistance gathering

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