As activists and leaders, how can we gather our collective wisdom to transform the grief and isolation of war into community healing, groundbreaking initiatives, and heartfelt activism?

Ahlan أهلاً  אהלן

We are really proud to invite you - experienced activists, Palestinian, Israeli & Ally, from all genders and ages, to the first ever feminine-led 10 day gathering dedicated to Nonviolent Resistance and Emergent Participatory Peace Building during war.  Many of us have been working together on building community, equity and justice over the last decade. 

After gathering and grounding we will train in community oriented methodologies such as The Art of Participatory Leadership, Non-Violent Communication, and the practice of Nonviolent Resistance. Having built a container, we will then open the space for 3 days for the emergence of initiatives, collaborations, new paradigms and connections to resources.
Learn more about the concept and structure of this prject on our home page. 

What we stand for:

~ The killing needs to stop immediately. 

~ Equal rights, safety & freedom for all throughout the land. 

~ We support and practice nonviolent resistance.

Program - What will we do together? 

Diversity Lab


Grounding, community healing and trust building. The first few days will allow us to create a safer space together, land and feel at home in the Diversity Lab. 

Emergent Peace and resistance gathering

Community Skills Training

Learn and practice tools of three different fields, that you can impliment in your communities:
> The Art of Participatory Leadership (Art of Hosting): Co-creation, circle work, collective intteligence and working with chaos. (Read More)
> NonViolent Communication: Building communication rooted in trust and cooperation.  We will learn Tools for self-connection and compassion in moments of conflict and tension.  (Read More)
> NonViolent Resistance: The art of courageously confronting injustice with love and empathy, refusing to resort to violence. Lasting change can be achieved through peaceful means (Read More)

Emergent Peace and resistance gathering

Open-Space Technology (Unconferencing)

The main purpose of this retreat is to nurture a group container that will allow for the emergece of breakthrough iniatives and ideas. We will spend a full two days in a self-organising structure to give the most space for what could come through us. 

Emergent Peace and resistance gathering

Open Day

For guests, friends and philantropists. We will allow our group to host others into our space, and connect resources and energy to the new intiaitives and concepts we will birth. 

Who is this for? 

This retreat is for you, if you:
- Resonate with "What we stand for" and believe in intergrated Palestinian Israeli communities.
- Looking to grow your leadership and non-violent activism skills.
- Are a community organiser that wants more collabortive participatory tools.
- Feel called to work for Peace  

We are a team of powerful leaders, specialising in community skills, activism and facilitaton.
Read more about us and our Eco-System in the "Who We Are" tab.

Applications Closed

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