
1st Workshop on Extracting and Modelling Scientific Knowledge from Texts

IC 2017, Caen, France


We will be accepting submissions online via easychair:

Submissions may be in French or in English language. We accept two types of submissions: regular papers and extended abstracts:

Regular papers

Regular paper submissions must describe original ongoing or complete works, possibly with an evaluation and an analysis of the results. Regular papers consist up to 6 (six) pages of content with an additional page for the references.

Extended abstracts

Extended abstracts must describe a Ph.D. thesis subject, or works at an early stage of development. Position papers are also accepted. Extended abstracts consist up to 2 (two) pages of content with an additional page for the references.

All papers , regular or extended abstracts, will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers. The review process will be double blind.

Formatting requirements

The papers will be formatted using the IC 2017 LaTeX templates available here: https://pfia2017.greyc.fr/_media/ic/style-latex-ic.zip