10 | Impending Motion: Friction and Tipping

At the end of this section you should be able to:

  1. Properly apply normal- and friction forces onto FBDs with interacting surfaces

    • Write proper equilibrium equations from the FBDs

  2. Find at what point a system will be on the verge of motion (from an applied force, moment, etc.)

    • Create additional sets of equations based on objects possibly slipping or tipping

  3. Determine if a system will be in motion or equilibrium under given parameters and conditions

Hibbeler 13e 8.45: Multiple slipping possibilities

Hibbeler 13e 8.38: Checking for slipping in equilibrium

Hibbeler 12e 8.1 and 8.2: Box on an inclined plane

Hibbeler 12e 8.58: Multiple motion possibilities

Hibbeler 12e 8.6: Ladder Sliding Down a Wall

Hibbeler 12e 8.25:

Hibbeler 12e 8.62: Multiple slipping possibilities

Hibbeler 12e 8.38: Sliding Down a Surface Defined by a Function

Hibbeler 12e 8.48: Two possible motions that change FBD and equilibrium equations

Hibbeler 12e 8.45: Sliding Rotating Surfaces

Hibbeler 12e 8.4 Self-locking Mechanism

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