7 | Trusses

At the end of this section you should be able to:

  1. Recognize a problem as a “truss”-type problem

  2. Formulate a “best” solution strategy for a truss problem

    • Start with external diagram

    • What section cuts or pins to draw

  3. Properly create FBDs for method of pins and method of sections

  4. Identify zero-force members in a truss by inspection

Method of Joints

Hibbeler 13e 6.6: Six members using method of joints

Hibbeler 13e 6.4: Five members using method of joints

Hibbeler 13e 6.17: Determine maximum allowable applied force so that no member fails in tension or compression

Hibbeler 12e F6.1: Four members using method of joints

Hibbeler 12e 6.7: Statically indeterminate using method of joints

Hibbeler 12e F6.2: Method of joints with zero-force member

Method of Sections

Hibbeler 13e 6.30: Determine forces in specified members of a truss

Hibbeler 13e 6.34: Determine forces in specified members of a truss

Hibbeler 12e F6.7: Statically-indeterminate with method of sections

Hibbeler 12e 6.33: Statically-determinate with method of sections

Hibbeler 12e 6.37: Statically-determinate using both method of sections and method of joints

Hibbeler 13e 6.41: Statically-indeterminate using both method of sections and method of joints

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