1. Where can we find official EMBS brands – Logo, Presentation template, Infographic template etc ?

Alpha Chio, EMBS Chongqing


2. Can Chapter develop its own website for free, hosted by IEEE?

Alpha Chio, EMBS Chongqing

Yes, you can request for a domain name and a template at: https://site.ieee.org/web-hosting-request/

3. How do we increase the visibility of our Chapter at EMBS?

Aseem Singh, EMBS Boston

By Add hashtag #EMBSfamily, #EMBS, when posting Chapter events or photos on social media.

And submit your content to http://bit.ly/embssocialmediaform then our EMBS Social Media team will schedule your content to post on official EMBS Social Media platforms.

4. Can you find me a suitable lecturer to organize a DLP or something similar for our membership?

Rosa Granizo, EMBS Ecuador; Ruwan Ranaweera, EMBS Sri Lanka

· The EMB Distinguished Lecturers, their short bio and Talk topics, can be found here.


· The procedure and claim form for a face-2-face EMB DLP can be found here OR it can be conducted virtually.


5. Do you have any advice for us regarding formats, topics, location, or logistics for a Workshop?

Andy Kelly, EMBS Phoenix

Workshop is aimed to grow the skills of your members and community, such as Pandas, Python, Anaconda, Matlab, WebTool etc, there must be some hands-on, usually conducted by an expert user from Postgraduate school or Industry, with no financial gain. There is no fixed format – just be creative to attract your members and meet their needs. Some are free while some charge a nominal fee for commitment and towards sandwiches and coffee/tea during break for networking. You may charge USD5 for IEEE/EMB members while USD10 for non-IEEE/EMB members. You can also make it an income generator for your Chapter.