The Rise of a New Threat

Phase I: Encounter

The players will encounter an unknown artifact that falls into orbit at Aurek. They don't know what it is so they decide to bring it back to base. On their travels back a CIS ship will warp in from Hyperspace. Baring drop pods blocking their return to base. They will make their way back to Aurek with the unknown object. An TECH/ENG (2 people if needed) will begin trying to open the unknown object, while the rest defend Aurek from the attack that the CIS has launched.

Once the artifact has been opened the Jedi get a sense of disaster heading their way. They don't know how long it will take for it to arrive but they know that somethings on its way to Anaxes

This will end the Encounter.

What I need:

1-2 GH

This is the Prop ill need for the Encounter. models/starwars/syphadias/props/sw_tor/bioware_ea/items/harvesting/plants/hypertech_cultural_artifact.mdl