
Final Phase: Threat Unknown

The Jedi are the first to leave for Geo to find out if these are foes or Friendlies. Once they see they confirm that bounty hunters are on planet, they comms it in and try to get in contact with the Clones to find out they're being jammed. So no communications can get through to Anaxes. The clones will then receive an unknown distress signal on Umbara.

The Jedi proceed to make their way to the base when they feel the presence stronger than before. 4-5 Sith surround them from all directions. along with the Bounty Hunters continue to fire upon them. A fight breaks out.

When the clones arrive they are met with heavy Bounty Hunter Resistance. They try to push their way forward to take the base. Just to get flanked. They are forced to hold up inside the Umbara Base and await reinforcements.

While both these are happening the CIS have taken the Anaxes Base. They have laid a Ambush waiting for the GAR to return. They cut the power making it dark. They lay in the dark waiting for the single.

The Jedi clear out the base and the unknown lightsaber wielders flee the battle. They get the device disabled and comms in letting the clones know Geo is Secure. The clones also have survived their Assault. The Regroup on Geo and take a LAAT transport back to anaxes where they are met with heavy droid resistance. After clearing the Base they find out that the Artifact has been stolen.

I will need

3 GH

4-5 EJ

B1s B2s (Anaxes). Bounty Hunters (Geo and Umbara).