Pre-prints, Submitted works, and  Publications

[2] The effect of grading standards on educational competences in Italy (with Ilaria Lievore and Moris Triventi)

Status: Social Science Research, 2 round, one major revision. you can find a pre-print here

[3] Social inequalities in school track choice: The relative importance of primary, secondary and tertiary effects (with Moris Triventi)

Status: under review at European Societies; you can find a pre-print here

[4] Teachers’ evaluations and pupils’ educational outcomes (with Moris Triventi) - Status: under review

[5] Granding standard Revisited Project - Status: In preparation (A) chapter book for INVALSI Proceedings - under review

                                                                                                                                    (B) research note for British Journal of Sociology - in preparation

                                                                                                                                    (C) Quality and Quantity - in preparation

[6] Peer effects revisited - Status: under review

[7] Classroom rank and peer effects - Status: In preparation

[8] Aree interne del paese - Status: Forthcoming

[9] Educational poverty trap in Italian schools. A decomposition of socioeconomic origin role into internal and external schooling channels

Status: in preparation