GNU Emacs for Windows can be downloaded from a nearby GNU mirror; or the main GNU FTP server. 

 Mostly simply, download and run the emacs-version-installer.exe which will install Emacs and create shortcuts for you. Alternately, download then unzip, preserving the directory structure. You can then run bin\runemacs.exe or create a desktop shortcut to bin\runemacs.exe and start Emacs by double-clicking on that shortcut's icon.

This takes you to a server near you, which shows you a list of all available Emacs releases. Find the directory with the highest release number and click into it. There are many different builds of Emacs for Windows, but the most general-purpose version is just named The VERSION depends upon which release you're downloading, while the ARCHITECTURE depends on whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit machine. Most modern computers are 64-bit, but if you're in doubt you can download the 32-bit version, which runs on both.

Emacs Download Windows 32 Bit

Download 🔥 🔥

If you're downloading version 26 of Emacs for a 64-bit machine, you would click the link titled There are smaller downloads available (such as the no-deps variety) but you must be familiar with how Emacs is built from source code, knowing which libraries it needs and which of those your computer has on it already. Generally, it's easiest to get the large version of Emacs, because it contains everything it needs to run on your computer.

Next, unarchive the ZIP file you downloaded. To extract it, right-click on the Emacs ZIP file and select Extract to Emacs-VERSION from the 7-zip sub-menu. It's a big archive, so it may take a while to uncompress, but when it does, you have a new directory containing all the files distributed with Emacs. For example, in this example, the file was downloaded, so the unarchived directory is emacs-26.2-x86_64.

Within the Emacs directory, find the bin directory. This folder stores all the binary executable files (EXE files) distributed with Emacs. Double-click the emacs.exe file to launch the application.

Another very nice interface to git within emacs is provided by magit. The idea behind magit is to provide you with an interactive interface within emacs to easily run all the frequently used git commands, essentially eliminating the need for you to directly run git from the commands-line.

Windows bash does not support X Server. However, using a Windows X Server port such as MobaXTerm, XMing or vcXsrv in conjunction with Windows bash works. Some things work out of the box (gvim did,) emacs requires more effort.

One problem remains, and it persists across all three packages I've tested (MobaXTerm, XMing and vcXsrv). Emacs sticks to the initial frame size, and doesn't resize its frame when the window is resized. Same problem with the menu bar - when menu bar is disabled, emacs doesn't reclaim its space, it remains as a grey rectangle. This problem seems to be peculiar to emacs on Windows bash - gvim and other GUI programs seem to work fine. Also, running emacs 25.1 on Linux using any X Server on Windows works fine. I have tried to build emacs with different GUI settings (GTK 2.0 etc.) but emacs make on Windows bash gets stuck. If I find a workaround for this I will post an update.

Thanks for @Yuri's nice answer, it works! After some further try&errors I found a way to fix the white border issue. You will need to rebuild from Emacs v24.5 source code (I tried some v25 versions in the git repository but all failed, if you are using git repository, checkout tag "emacs-24.5-rc3"). During the configuration stage, you will need to choose "lucid" (or "athena", same thing) x-toolkit instead of the current "gtk3". Notice that the "motif" has the same problem.

Now, we are almost ready to build Emacs. But before that, we need to tweak the kernel a bit or the build will soon fail. (Let's skip the details, if you are interested, it's explained in the "etc/PROBLEMS" in your emacs source code.) You only need this during the build stage. Once your new emacs installed you don't need to do this again.

The whole build and install takes less than 10 minutes on my machine, not too bad. Now we have a working Emacs 24.5 located at "/usr/local/bin/emacs". If you have everything setup as @Yuri's answer, you should be able to launch it now:

The default emacs will work with Xming and other options. The issue is that the default alternative points to the emacs24-nox command. You need to install 'emacs24' instead, which removes emacs24-nox.

Hi I'm new to Emacs and I downloaded GNU emacs on my windows machine. I just finished the short tutorial but I found there's a beep sound whenever I hit the beginning/end of a file and in many other cases, which is a little disturbing to me.

in my .emacs file, but I don't know how to do that. First, where is my .emacs file and what is it? Or is there another way to do it? I mean in the emacs window menu there is Options -> Customize Emacs but I couldn't find where the setting is. I feel like it's kind of hard to find things in there unless you already know where it is.

You also have some options for the name of that file. ~/.emacs is the default, but it could also be ~/.emacs.el or ~/.emacs.d/init.el. (Personally I prefer the latter, so as to keep all Emacs related files under that same .emacs.d directory, but we'll go with the default, and you can always rename the file later.)

By default it will show you a file path ending in /.emacs (even if that file doesn't exist), but on the (unlikely, in your case) offchance that it ends in /.emacs.el or /.emacs.d/init.el then it would mean that you have an existing init file at that location.

As for what your .emacs file is, it's a personal library of Emacs Lisp (elisp) code which is automatically loaded and evaluated when you start Emacs. All Emacs configuration and customization is written in this language (as indeed is the majority of the editor itself).

I don't actually know, since (being a relative newcomer to Emacs and thus not having done any customization) I don't have a .emacs for my (WinXP) desktop, but I do have a directory, %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\.emacs.d I'd put it there and see if it works.

On Windows, the .emacs file may be called _emacs for backward compatibility with DOS and FAT filesystems where filenames could not start with a dot. Some users prefer to continue using such a name, because Explorer cannot create a file with a name starting with a dot, even though the filesystem and most other programs can handle it. In Emacs 22 and later, the init file may also be called .emacs.d/init.el. Many of the other files that are created by lisp packages are now stored in the .emacs.d directory too, so this keeps all your Emacs related files in one place.

So, let's assume that you don't know how to get there. Open GNU Emacs and enter Ctrl-x Ctrl-f which means find, and then write the tilde ~ and then press Enter that will lead you to the folder where is .emacs file or .emacs.d folder or init file is located.

Edit: GNU Emacs is looking for these three files, so be careful when naming them, because Emacs will look for these three files: .emacs in home folder, .emacs.el in home folder or init.el in .emacs.d folder.

Here is the official GNU Emacs Manual excerpt:

When Emacs is started, it normally tries to load a Lisp program from an initialization file, or init file for short. This file, if it exists, specifies how to initialize Emacs for you. Emacs looks for your init file using the filenames ~/.emacs, ~/.emacs.el, or ~/.emacs.d/init.el; you can choose to use any one of these three names (see Find Init). Here, ~/ stands for your home directory.

Quick question: How do I specify the number of characters in a split window? C-x-3 Splits my window into two windows evenly, but a subsequent split will split one of the windows in half. I'd like 3 equal sized windows. The documentation says that I should be able to specify the number of characters for the left buffer as a parameter, but I cant seem to get that to work. Any ideas for syntax?

One of the problems with many of the answers that use balance-windowshere is that they may not allow the window to split due to window-min-width or split-width-threshold even if everything would be fine after rebalancing. For example, I don't want windows less than 100 characters wide, but if I split my screen once I get two windows that are 160 characters wide and can't split again without resizing one of the windows. I haven't figured out how to determine whether a split is good yet, so I'll probably just dynamically bind those values to 0 while splitting, and maybe do a window-configuration-to-register beforehand just in case so that I can recover the old layout when things go wrong.

If the built-in function sqlite-mode-open-file does not let you inspect ~/.emacs.d/org-roam.db, then the built-in SQLite may not be working properly, and you might like to report it to emacs development mailing list.

The guide GitHub - PetrKryslUCSD/HowToUseJuliaWithCygwinEmacs: How to use Julia with Cygwin Emacs

provides a quick introduction to setting up Emacs under Cygwin with julia-mode and julia-repl.

(Hint: The quickest way is to simply copy the .emacs.d directory and you are up and running.)

Followed instructions for windows installing here Installing Doom Emacs on Windows - DEV Community to no avail. Getting a message requesting to issue doom sync but i have run it many times no success so far. Still vanilla emacs.

I am running the GNU Win32 native build of emacs (ver. 25.3), on Windows 7 (not a cygwin or X11 version). I'm one of those "emacs is an operating system" people, and like running Python shells within emacs. The problem was getting matplotlib figures to work - the figure window would either say "not responding", not render, freeze, or somehow misbehave. ff782bc1db

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