Richard Stallman began work on GNU Emacs in 1984 to produce a free software alternative to the proprietary Gosling Emacs. GNU Emacs was initially based on Gosling Emacs, but Stallman's replacement of its Mocklisp interpreter with a true Lisp interpreter required that nearly all of its code be rewritten. This became the first program released by the nascent GNU Project. GNU Emacs is written in C and provides Emacs Lisp, also implemented in C, as an extension language. Version 13, the first public release, was made on March 20, 1985. The first widely distributed version of GNU Emacs was version 15.34, released later in 1985. Early versions of GNU Emacs were numbered as 1.x.x, with the initial digit denoting the version of the C core. The 1 was dropped after version 1.12, as it was thought that the major number would never change, and thus the numbering skipped from 1 to 13.[30] In September 2014, it was announced on the GNU emacs-devel mailing list that GNU Emacs would adopt a rapid release strategy and version numbers would increment more quickly in the future.[31]

The Church of Emacs, formed by Richard Stallman, is a parody religion created for Emacs users.[50] While it refers to vi as the editor of the beast (vi-vi-vi being 6-6-6 in Roman numerals), it does not oppose the use of vi; rather, it calls it proprietary software anathema. ("Using a free version of vi is not a sin but a penance."[51]) The Church of Emacs has its own newsgroup, alt.religion.emacs,[52] that has posts purporting to support this parody religion. Supporters of vi have created an opposing Cult of vi.

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GNU Emacs for Windows can be downloaded from a nearby GNU mirror; or the main GNU FTP server. 

 Mostly simply, download and run the emacs-version-installer.exe which will install Emacs and create shortcuts for you. Alternately, download then unzip, preserving the directory structure. You can then run bin\runemacs.exe or create a desktop shortcut to bin\runemacs.exe and start Emacs by double-clicking on that shortcut's icon.

Early text editors were so rudimentary that they couldn't even open an entire text document at once. Instead, a text editor was a command that could generate words and dump them into a file, or find and replace words in a file, or remove lines from a file, and so on. Editing big documents this way can get tedious, so people started developing macros to perform common, related tasks. In 1983, Richard Stallman released a bundle of his macros under the name editing macros, or emacs for short. When Dr. Stallman started the GNU project, Emacs became one of its most successful applications.

Currently, focus depends on if I already have an emacs server running. When emacsclient invokes an alternative editor, focus is shifted to the new emacs window. When emacsclient connects to an existing emacs server, focus is not shifted (ie. it stays on my putty client).

For some unknown reason, the issue fixed itself. Opening files now consistently changes focus to the emacs frame with the corresponding file. I'm honestly unsure what changed the behavior, but I'm happy.

What should happen if I load skillMode.el in emacs? And what is the proper way in doing that? Does it mean I can invoke procedures and function from Emacs and get the results i.e. for adding an instance in Schematic to display in the Schematic window?

If I load the procedure socketHandler from the CIW after I have started Cadence then an emacs buffer opens that is in skill-mode, but then when I want to quit Cadence - it crashes and quits very slowly, but eventually is killed in the process.

I have started the painful first steps of using emacs to edit an HTML file with both HTML tags and javascript content. I have installed nxhtml and tried using it - i.e set up to use nxhtml-mumamo-mode for .html files. But I am not loving it. When I am editing the Javascript portion of the code the tab indents do not behave as they do when editing C/C++ code. It starts putting tabs within the line and if you try and hit tab in the white space preceding a line it inserts the tab rather than re-tabifying the line.

I would already be satisfied to have something that works only for emacs. In particular I would really like to bind the completion with tab. Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge and after some negative empirical test, this does not seem to be doable.

I would already be satisfied to have something that works only for emacs . In particular I would really like to bind the completion with tab . Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge and after some negative empirical test, this does not seem to be doable.

The inability to parse function definition boundaries on the Emacs side has been a long standing issue, see -emacs/issues/88. A solution would benefit all related packages, and unless SLIME somehow helps with this perhaps the best home for it would be julia-emacs.

One of the more popular Notmuch message reading clients is notmuch.el, ornotmuch-mode, an Emacs major mode forinteracting with Notmuch. It is included in the Notmuch package (aselpa-notmuch within the notmuch package in current Debian or asnotmuch-emacs in Debian 10 or prior). The screenshots give agood overview of the mode.

After Notmuch is loaded notmuch-init-file (typically ~/.emacs.d/notmuch-config.el) is checked out. If such file existsit is loaded. Most Emacs lisp based configuration not suitable viacustomization can be put there instead of ~/.emacs.

When you are ready to send a message, type C-c C-c. By defaultmessage mode will use your sendmail command to send mail, so make surethat works. One annoying standard configuration of message mode isthat it will hide the sent mail in your Emacs frame stack, but it willnot close it. If you type several mails in an Emacs session they willaccumulate and make switching between buffers more annoying. You canavoid that behavior by adding (setq message-kill-buffer-on-exit t)in your .emacs file(or doing M-x customize-variablemessage-kill-buffer-on-exit)which will really close the mail window after sending it.

And for those who prefer working from command line, the followingscript opens new Emacs window with empty message and attaches filesmentioned as script arguments. (Note: The script expects that you have(server-start) in your .emacs file.)

emacsclient -c opens up a new Emacs GUI frame, while emacsclient-t fires up a new terminal frame. And the best part - all the bufferscurrently opened can be shared between as many clients as it pleasesyou.

The Emacs starter kits Doom, Spacemacs and Scimax come with a curatedset of packages and configurations that aim to enhance Org mode (andEmacs more generally) for particular use cases. They include Orgalong with integrations between org-mode and other modes (such asevil-mode). Here are links to the current packages included withDoom, and Spacemacs. Scimax is deeply integrated with Org so a goodplace to start is the manual. Doom installs a version of Org that isclose to the development HEAD, while Spacemacs and Scimax track orgelpa.

Starter kits often make significant changes to the default userexperience for Emacs. If you are looking for something closer tovanilla Emacs there are popular configs such as Purcell's emacs.d thatinclude org-mode customization and Org-related packages.

There is a separate website to access the State's Amazon business account. Click the link below to get to the login page. Use your State email and password. If you do not have an account contact eMACS at

I looked around and maybe someone is/was still using emacs with rails in the last years and willing to share the setup/modes/autocompletion etc used. I am learning and tried rinari but now just using web-mode. Any insights much appreciated, thank you.

I've haven't written too much here lately. This is because I have spent most of my emacs hacking time on mu4e, an emacs e-mail client. It's only slightly over six months old since its first release, but it has progressed rather quickly! So, I think it is time to give it an introduction to a wider audience. In future posts, I'll go into more detail.

E-mail is a very important means of communication for me; and for purposes of integration, it prefer to do my e-mail with emacs. For a long time, I used mutt with emacs as the editor; a few years back I switched to Wanderlust, and wrote a few articles about it.

There's a lot to like about Wanderlust: it's very featureful, and allows for a lot of customization. Still, there were a few things I was not fully happy with; the most important one was the speed of some operations; another annoyance was the fact that I got rather frequent cache-corruptions when using newer emacs versions.

mu4e is an emacs front-end for mu; when you start it, mu4e connects to a mu server process (started on-demand). It accepts simple commands, and responds with emacs s-expressions, in asynchronous fashion. In practice, all the heavy work is done in this server process, and emacs shows the results when it is ready (usually almost instantly). Emacs does not need to wait for the backend, and things stay snappy, even with tens of thousands (or more) e-mail messages. The only operation that may still require some waiting is sending mail, since that uses the emacs built-in smtpmail, which blocks during its operation.

Obviously, you can reply to messages, forward them, or compose a new message. For writing and sending messages, mu4e reuses emacs' built-in message-mode. There's support for auto-completing addresses (based on the e-mails you've sent/received before).

Not surprisingly, emacs has its own incarnation - it is called the sunrise commander and happily it's obtainable through ELPA. It's become an important of my workflow. When you're used to Midnight Commander, you'll feel right at home.

Things have been rather quiet at emacs-fu - reason for this is that most of my emacs hacking time has been spent on mu4e, the emacs e-mail client I wrote. It's been shaping up pretty nicely, I should probably write some emacs-fu posts about it :) ff782bc1db

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