The Cub Scout program operates through volunteer leadership, so parent or guardian participation is key to a thriving program. Of course we all have busy lives but even the smallest amount of help can make a big difference. There are a number of ways to get involved – from helping to plan a day hike or activity, to taking on a leadership position within the pack.

​Thank you to all of our current volunteer leaders for bringing the Pack 968 experience to life for our scouts!

Chartered Organization

Each Cub Scout pack partners with a local organization who "adopts" the pack as a means to serve the youth in their local community. A Chartered Organization Representative is assigned to provide resources from the chartered organization; and is also responsible for such duties as appointing the Pack Committee Chair, and approving all adult leaders. Pack 968 is fortunate to have the El Segundo Rotary as their Chartered Organization.

Chartered Organization Representative: John Stabile


The leader of the pack meeting is the cubmaster. In addition to serving as the master of ceremonies the cubmaster provides support to Den Leaders.

Pack 968 Cubmaster: Phil Buckley

Pack 968 Asst. Cubmaster: Brian Custer

Den Leaders

Each den is led by an adult den leader (usually a parent) in addition to other parents, together they plan and carry out a year-round program of activities for the den related to adventures as they are presented in the Cub Scout's handbook and the Den Leader Guide. Many parents serve as a Den Leader or Assistant Den Leader.  

Lion (kindergarten) and Tiger (1st grade) dens use a shared-leadership model, which means that the den leader works with a different Lion/Tiger adult partner each month to plan the den’s program. This team hosts that month’s den meetings as well as the den’s part in the pack meeting.

In second-grade Wolf, third-grade Bear, and fourth/fifth grade Webelos Scout dens, the den leader works with an assistant den leader or co-leader and potentially, a den chief (an older Scout from a troop, crew, or ship). The den may also elect a denner and an assistant denner, who are Cub Scouts in the den, to work with the den leader and den chief.

Current Den Leaders

Lions: Nicole Santiago +  Kristin Halfon

Tigers: Tyler Merrit

Wolves: Katie Billups

Bears: Adam Besagno

Webelos: Sarah Ainsworth + Brian Custer

Arrow of Light: Phil Buckley + Jon Nutting

Pack Committee Chair

The top volunteer in the pack is the Pack Committee Chair.  They are responsible for ensuring enough qualified adult volunteers are in place to provide the program.  They lead the pack committee meetings.

Pack 968 Committee Chair: Kathy Buckley

Committee Member/Treasurer: Kate Nutting

Committee Member/New Family Coordinator: Jazmin Jimenez

Committee Member/Asst. Treasurer: Matt Lee

Pack Committees

Made up of parents, leaders, and other caring adults, the pack committees works to support den leaders and the Cubmaster. Pack 968 is fortunate to have a number of pack committee volunteers who take the lead across a number of initiatives.

Activities: Kathy Buckley & Jazmin Jimenez

Advancement: Jon Nutting

Blue & Gold: Brian Custer

Camping: Kathy Buckley + Jazmin Jimenez

Community Outreach: Matt Lee

Cub Scout Derby: Brian Custer

Hiking: Tyler Merrit

Mistletoe Chair: Kate Nutting

Pinewood Derby: Adam Besagno

Popcorn Kernal: Sarah Ainsworth

Recruiting: Jazmin Jimenez

Treasurer: Kate Nutting

Tree Lot Chairs: Sarah Ainsworth + Matt Lee

Webmaster: Matt Lee