Household Choices of Solar and Battery

Behavioural Choice Study in South East Queensland

(2019 - 2022)

In collaboration with Mohammad Alipour, a Ph.D. student in Sustainable Energy from Griffith University, we studied the household choices of purchasing solar panels and battery sizes, by formulating discrete choice models incorporating the latent psychological and belief variables. 

Two research papers have been published on this topic and the last research paper is under review.

1.       Alipour, M., Taghikhah, F., Irannezhad, E., Stewart, R.A. and Sahin, O., 2022. How the decision to accept or reject PV affects the behaviour of residential battery system adopters. Applied Energy, 318, p.119194. (Download)

2.       Alipour, M., Irannezhad, E., Stewart, R.A. and Sahin, O., 2022. Exploring residential solar PV and battery energy storage adoption motivations and barriers in a mature PV market. Renewable Energy, 190, pp.684-698. (Download)