Blockchain and Logistics

Active Project

I'm proud of my Master's of Engineering student, Lifeng Ni, who accomplished his Master's by Course Thesis project on the application of blockchain in logistics at UNSW.

The application of blockchain and smart contracts have been widely acknowledged as essential in digitised logistics, offering improved traceability, transparency, and efficiency.  However, concerns regarding performance and implementation limitations persist. To demonstrate the challenges regarding the performance and efficiency of blockchain in logistics use cases, he developed a proof-of-concept (PoC) model by leveraging Hyperledger Fabric (HF) blockchain network to emulate shipping logistics process and illustrated the automated and self-executing nature of smart contracts and transactions among various logistics participants by implementing RAFT consensus mechanism. He also undertook series of experiments to evaluate the performance of his proposed PoC model using Hyperledger Caliper. 

You can read this open-access paper and find the open-source codes at Github at

Throughout my postdoctoral project, I focused on the application of blockchain for port logistics, where I examined different blockchain-based enterprise solution and their suitability considering PCS requirements. This research mainly aimed at cutting through the “marketing hype” which often makes unrealistic and unsubstantiated claims regarding the features and functionality of some of the available and emerging blockchain platforms. 

Accordingly, I have consulted the Port of Brisbane on their blockchain pilot project since last year, including disseminating an industry report, and peer-reviewing the platform requirement document, and reviewing the industry proposals. 

For further details, please refer to the following publications:

I have also given three presentations related to this topic in 2019 and 2020 as:

Application of blockchain in Tourism industry

When I started learning about blockchain, I came to know that it has so many other uses such as hospitality industry. You can read more about this in my paper on blockchain and tourism here, Download Full Text.