Social interactions can be tough for all kids. It can be even tougher for kids with Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, and mental health diagnoses. Regardless of the reason, many adolescents can use extra practice in real-life situations to become better prepared for social success.

The sessions I offer are intended to allow kids to identify what social skills they want to work on, and take ownership in practicing those skills out in the community. For more information, see the Facebook page for planned events.

In the 1:1 setting, we practice skills that students and their families have identified. I work to find an approach that fits each student's style and preference. This authentic practice increases their confidence in making friends and participating with friend groups, or whatever other skills they identify as a need.

I approach my work from a philosophical viewpoint of neurodiversity, meaning that I see difference and strengths in areas others might identify as a disability. Rigidity can be seen as limiting, or as strength in consistency. I try to appreciate all my student's strengths, and help them see how able they are as well.

I also offer consultation on IEPs, parenting, strategies for home, and individual social and emotional skill tutoring for all ages. I draw from my 15+ years of experience as a special education teacher, student advocate, and parent partner. I value collaboration and know that each family has unique needs that require a unique plan.

Consultation Request


Contact Leah at

or 952-237-5846