Aerospace Computational Engineering Group

Welcome to ACE Group!

My research group is the Aerospace Computational Engineering (ACE) Group at Georgia Tech. Our research mission is to develop new, scalable computational methods to support engineering design, analysis, and control. Learn more about the kinds of research questions we consider here.

ACE Group is growing! I am committed to creating a supportive, inclusive, and equitable research environment where all students can thrive. 

Current group members

I am a PhD student interested in model reduction. I received my BS and MS in Aerospace Engineering at Pusan National University, with a specific focus on the application of model reduction techniques in diverse contexts: design optimization, system identification, and digital twins. [web]

I am a PhD student specializing in model reduction and controls. I received my BS from the Aerospace Engineering department at Purdue University with a concentration in dynamics and controls. I have experience as a Drone software development intern at TerraDrone Corp and Robotics intern at Nokia Bell Labs. [LinkedIn] [web]

Jaffa Heryudono

I am a junior Aerospace Engineering major. Before joining ACE, I worked with implementing numerical methods in MATLAB and now have an interest in Computational Mathematics. I have experience in undersea vehicle design and hope to specialize in controls or fluid dynamics.

I am a PhD student interested in nonlinear dynamical systems modeling, and scientific machine learning. I received a BS in Mechanical Engineering and Computational Modeling & Data Analytics (CMDA) from Virginia Tech. I have experience in Vibrations,  Control Systems, and Computational Data Science.

I am a PhD student focusing on model reduction for Bayesian inference. Before joining ACE group I received my BS in Applied and Computational Mathematics from Caltech, where I also did some work in network science.

Ben Zabriskie

I am a senior Aerospace Engineering student. Prior to joining ACE, I did research in several groups in both combustion and controls and worked as a Propulsion Engineering intern at Delta Air Lines. Now, I hope to use my interest in computational modeling and data science to help solve problems in fields like public health or energy.

Former Group Members

Information for Prospective Graduate Students

Prospective GT graduate students: I admit graduate students through the Computational Science & Engineering PhD and Aerospace Engineering PhD programs. Please apply to the program that best matches your interests and note your interest in working with me in your application. Our admissions process is competitive. In deciding which applicants to make offers to, I look for a strong match between the applicant's interests and background and the current research needs of the group.

Current GT graduate students: If you have already been admitted to or have enrolled at GT and are interested in joining my group, please send me an email with a CV and unofficial transcript, and note what kind of opportunity you are looking for (a PhD position, MS thesis position, AE 8900 project, etc).

Information for Prospective Undergraduate Researchers

Pre-requisites: Undergraduates who are interested in joining the group should take my AE 4803 NUM course or similar coursework first -- this is the best way to learn about ACE Group's research area. If you have taken AE 4803 NUM or completed similar coursework, or are currently enrolled in the course, and you like the material, you might like doing research in ACE group. 

Commitment: I ask for a commitment of at least a single full term (summer or semester) from undergraduate students. Semester research has a minimum commitment of 6 hours/week and is generally for credit but if you contact me early enough we can work on a proposal for a PURA stipend. Summer research is generally a full-time commitment for pay and depends on the availability of funds. ACE group does not take undergraduate research students as volunteers.

How to apply: If you fulfill the above pre-requisites, send me an email with your CV, an unofficial transcript, the term you'd like to do research in, and a 3-4 sentence description of what you're hoping to get out of an undergraduate research experience.

Links and resources

Information for Prospective Postdocs

There are currently no funded open postdoctoral positions in my group. If you are interested in applying for external fellowship funding to support postdoctoral research in my group, check out the links to the right. If you are interested in applying for one of these programs with me as one of your faculty mentors please send me an email with a CV and short summary of research interests/goals.