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от coffeeyay
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Coffeeyay создал более 14 часов всеобъемлющих видеороликов, посвященных этому новому и высокорентабельному формату SNG.
Этот видео-пакет очень подробный, начиная с общей информации о формате, включая такие основы, как понимание управления банкроллом. Стратегия как до, так и после флопа обсуждается для всех ситуаций: каждая позиция и возможные действия. Он имеет дело с большими размерами рейза, диапазонами пуша, игрой после флопа, рейзами, лимп-потами, 3-сторонними банками, приспособлением к короткому стеку за столом и многим другим!
В каждом разделе есть PowerPoint слайд-шоу видео для понимания. Каждое концептуальное видео сочетается с практическим видео, на котором изображены реальные руки, сыгранные самим Coffeeyay, в частности, иллюстрирующие эту концепцию. Чтобы завершить пакет, есть серия живых видео, охватывающих различные ставки и демонстрирующих стратегию, описанную в пакете, применяя ее к полноценным играм.
С часами концептуальных видео, живой игрой, примерами раздач, анализом диапазона, диаграммами теории игр Нэша, созданными для 3-макс, и многим другим, это самый полный пакет высокого уровня, который вы найдете, чтобы помочь вам воспользоваться популярностью это новый и очень прибыльный покерный формат.
Курс на английском языке.
Продолжительность: 14 часов.
Вес: 1,5 Гб.
Цена от автора $299.99.
Здесь дешевле!
Coffeeyay хорошо известен благодаря продажам PT4 HUD, CoffeeHUD, а также мощному программному обеспечению HUSNG CoffeeCalcs. В своей давней роли главного тренера программы ставок на HUSNG.com он переводил игроков от игры на низких ставках до выигрыша на HUSNG с высокими ставками, и теперь он использует свои навыки, которые помогут вам побить покер Spin & Go.
Этот уникальный формат 3-Макс требует глубокого понимания позиции, влияния глубины стека и четких планов игры на префлопе и постфлопе. Coffeeyay потратил 100 часов, играя в эту игру и разрабатывая этот пакет.
Он разбил стратегию Spin & Go до легкого для понимания формата, основанного на количестве игроков, оставшихся в руке и на столе, позиции игрока и предыдущих действиях на префлопе (таких как кнопки ФОЛД, рейз SB и BB колл).
Free Video: Answering Your Questions
Coffeeyay answers common questions asked about Spin and Gos and discusses the content and approach of the video pack.
Video 1: What You Need to Know
This video covers general information about the game. It includes understanding variance, detailed bankroll management and strategies, interpreting results and maximizing your hourly.
Video 2: Heads Up Crash Course
This video focuses solely on the heads-up portion of Spin and Gos. Guidelines are provided for preflop play at all stack sizes, in depth information on optimal shallow stacked push-fold play, and postflop information on how to construct your ranges in common situations. The video concludes with resources and techniques for further improvement to your HEADS-UP game.
Video 3: 3 handed Button Strategy: Preflop
Covers the effects of being 3-handed on preflop strategy. Also included is detailed information on how to decide between folding, limping, minraising and open shoving deep stacked. There is discussion on facing all of the different 3-bet situations and understanding 3-handed preflop equities in a variety of situations.
Video 4: 3 Handed Button Strategy: Preflop Deep Stacked
A game review analyzing a series of preflop decisions deep stacked on the button.
Video 5: 3 Handed Button Strategy: Playing Postflop
Discusses your post flop strategy when your minraise is called. Individually examines each case — When the small blind calls and BB folds, when the SB folds and BB calls, and when both the SB and BB call with a special emphasis placed on understanding 3-way play.
Video 6: 3 Handed Button Strategy: Postflop Decisions Deep Stacked
Analysis includes a series of button hands deep stacked where a minraise is called and the flop is seen, focusing on post flop decisions that arise.
Video 7: 3 Handed Button Strategy: Adjusting to Stack Depth
This video develops the idea of effective stacks for 3-handed play and the concept of symmetric stacks. Discusses adjustments to strategy for different symmetric effective stackd depths, including 3-handed Nash push/fold strategy. Ends with a detailed approach to adapting button strategy to asymmetric stacks, including adjustments to Nash push/fold ranges.
Video 8: 3 Handed Button Strategy: Conclusion
This video puts all the button strategy video concepts together and reviews button hands, filtered for various shallow stack situations. It includes a discussion of pre and postflop play, as well as push fold decision making.
Video 9: 3 Handed BB Strategy: Button Opens, SB Folds
Begins with preflop play heads up versus a button open, including information on 3-betting (both non all in and all in) and calling. Postflop play after calling is then discussed. Then discusses how to adjust your strategy to stack and depth sizes, as well as large opening sizes. Concludes with information on play versus a button limp.
Video 10: 3 Handed BB Strategy: Button Opens and Button Limps
Hands are reviewed of BB playing versus button opens and limps. Includes detailed discussion of both preflop and postflop decision making.
Video 11: 3 Handed BB Strategy: Button Folds, SB Opens
Begins with preflop play heads up versus a button open, including information on 3betting (both non all in and all in) and calling. Postflop play after calling is then discussed. Discussion continues on how to adjust your strategy to stack depth and large open sizes. Concludes with information on play versus a SB limp.
Video 12: 3 Handed BB Strategy: SB Opens and SB Limps
Hands are reviewed of BB playing versus small blind opens and limps. Includes detailed discussion of both preflop and post flop decision making.
Video 13: 3 Handed BB Strategy: Button Opens and SB Calls
Begins with preflop play 3-way versus button open, including information on 3-betting (both non all in and all in) and calling. Postflop play after calling is then discussed with a special emphasis placed on building an understanding of 3-way play postflop. Then a discussion on how to adjust strategies to stack depth and large open sizes. Concludes with information on play versus a button limp when small blind completes.
Video 14: 3 Handed BB Strategy: Button Opens and SB Calls Continued
Reviewing hands of BB play versus a button open when SB calls. Analyzes both preflop decision making and postflop decision making. Emphasis is placed on building an understanding of how to play postflop in 3-way pots.
Video 15: 3 Handed BB Strategy: Facing Open Shoves
Comprehensive discussion of calling ranges versus open shoves 3 handed. Includes facing SB shoves when button open folds, button shoves when SB folds and 3-way shoves. Discusses both deep-stacked calling and shallow push/fold calling in all the cases. Discussion of the effects of asymmetric stacks on calling ranges in all possible situations are also included.
Video 16: 3 Handed BB Strategy: Facing Open Shoves Continued
Reviewing hands facing open shoves in BB. Discusses calling ranges in a variety of situations both deep and short stacked. Special emphasis on developing an understanding of population tendencies, application of Nash calling ranges and the effects of asymmetric stacks.
Video 17: 3 Handed SB Strategy: Button Folds
Discussion of SB preflop play including comparisons of open folding, limping, minraising and open shoving. Postflop play when BB calls a minraise is examined. Ends with discussion of adjustments to shallow stack depths, including discussion of push/fold play.
Video 18: 3 Handed SB Strategy: Button Folds Continued
Hands reviewed for SB play when button open folds. Emphasis placed on understanding postflop play after your minraise is called.
Video 19: 3 Handed SB Strategy: Button Opens
Discussion of SB preflop play comparing open folding, 3betting and calling as well as play versus BB 3-bets after calling. Postflop play after calling is discussed in both the case of HU and 3-way pots. Lastly, adjustments to our strategy versus large open sizes and when button limps are both discussed.
Video 20: 3 Handed SB Strategy: Button Opens Continued
Involves analysis with hands of preflop and postflop play from the small blind when the button opens.
Video 21: 3 Handed SB Strategy: Button Open Shoves
Discussion of SB calling range when button open shoves. Includes calling deep as well as using Nash push/fold calling ranges shallow. Adjusting to asymmetric stack situations is also discussed.
Video 22: 3 Handed SB Strategy: Button Open Shoves Continued
Discussion of SB play facing button open shoves with hands being reviewed. Includes both deep and shallow stacks. Emphasis on understanding Nash calling ranges, proper adjustment to asymmetric situations and building reads on population tendencies.
Video 23: Putting It All Together 1: Million Dollar Buyin
Coffeeyay plays the $5 buyin «million dollar» spin and go games, and discusses his actions while playing.
Video 24: Putting It All Together 2: Coffeeyay at the $15s
Coffeeyay plays two games at the $15 level. Commentary is added after the game, allowing for more in-depth discussions and analysis of various situations.
Video 25: Putting It All Together 3: Coffeeyay at the $30s
Coffeeyay plays games at the $30 level and discusses his actions while playing. Includes discussion of play versus strong opponents.
В качестве бонуса, в дополнение к этим видео, диаграммы Нэша и слайды из видео также включены в загрузку в виде отдельных файлов.
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