What is the syllabus of the UPSC for a commerce student?


The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is one of the most prestigious and challenging competitive exams in India. It recruits candidates for various civil services positions in the government. As a commerce student, you might wonder if you are eligible and what the UPSC syllabus entails for your field of study. In this blog, we will provide you with a detailed overview of the UPSC syllabus for commerce students, including the subjects, topics, and preparation strategies.

UPSC Eligibility for Commerce Students

Before delving into the syllabus, it’s essential to understand the eligibility criteria for commerce students aspiring to take the UPSC exam:

1.Educational Qualifications:

A bachelor’s degree from a recognized university is required.

Commerce graduates are eligible to appear for the UPSC Civil Services Examination.

UPSC Syllabus for Commerce Students

The UPSC exam consists of three stages: the Preliminary Examination, the Main Examination, and the Personality Test (Interview). Let’s break down the syllabus for commerce students at each stage.

2.Preliminary Examination:

The Prelims exam consists of two papers:

a. Paper I: General Studies (GS)

History of India and Indian National Movement

Indian and World Geography

Indian Polity and Governance

Economic and Social Development

Current Events of National and International Importance

General Science

b. Paper II: Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT)


Logical reasoning and analytical ability

Decision-making and problem-solving

General mental ability

Basic numeracy (class X level)

3.Main Examination:

The Main examination comprises nine papers, out of which one is optional. Commerce students often choose commerce and accountancy as their optional subject. The main papers include:

a. Paper I: Essay

b. Paper II: General Studies-I

Indian Heritage and Culture

History and Geography of the World and Society

c. Paper III: General Studies-II




Social Justice

d. Paper IV: General Studies-III


Economic Development



Security and Disaster Management

e. Paper V: General Studies-IV




f. Paper VI and VII: Optional Subjects (Commerce and Accountancy)

g. Papers VIII and IX: Optional Subjects

4.Personality Test (Interview):

This is the final stage of the UPSC examination. Candidates are assessed on their personality, communication skills, and overall suitability for a career in civil services.

Preparation Strategies for Commerce Students

1.Understand the Syllabus: Start by thoroughly understanding the UPSC syllabus and the weightage of each topic. Focus on the general studies papers as they carry substantial marks.

2.Optional Subject: If you choose commerce and accountancy as your optional subject, delve deep into the syllabus and practice solving previous years’ question papers. A strong command of your optional subject can significantly boost your score.

3.Current Affairs: Stay updated with current events and issues both nationally and internationally. Regularly read newspapers, magazines, and watch news programs.

4.Practice Writing: The Mains examination includes essay writing and answer writing. Practice writing essays and answers to questions to improve your articulation and time management.

5.Mock Tests: Take mock tests regularly to assess your preparation and time management skills. This will help you get a feel for the actual exam.

6.Interview Preparation: For the personality test, practice mock interviews and focus on improving your communication skills and confidence.


As a commerce student, you can certainly aspire to crack the UPSC examination. Understanding the UPSC syllabus and adopting a structured preparation strategy will be key to your success. Stay dedicated, stay informed, and remember that perseverance is often the most crucial factor in achieving your goal of becoming a civil servant in India.

Reference Link(OriginallyPosted:https://elite-ias-academy.blogspot.com/2023/09/what-is-syllabus-of-upsc-for-commerce.html




