How To Deal With The Mounting Stress Of UPSC Preparation?

Many  of you dream of securing a job in the Indian civil service as it is one  of the most prestigious positions. However, to get the best, you have  to put in hard work. That is what most aspirants do. An integral part of  the UPSC preparation is UPSC candidates’ stress and tension during the  UPSC exam. Looking at the vast IAS syllabus, it is evident for IAS aspirants to get tensed about covering the syllabus and preparing well

Stress  and tension are a part of your IAS preparation. But you should not let  them overpower you. Given below are some ways by which you can deal with  the IAS syllabus and keep your stress and tension within the limit.

1.Sound sleep

Having  sound sleep is required for all the IAS aspirants as this will help   them wake up with a fresh mind the next day. The fresher your mind is,   the more you will be able to retain your UPSC topics. Even though the   syllabus is extensive, you have to prepare a timetable and follow it to finish the syllabus on time. Therefore, avoid staying awake at night and  study late at night.

2**.Meditation or yoga**

When  you wake up in the morning, the first thing that you should engage in is at least 30 minutes of meditation or yoga session. This will help you  to enhance your concentration power and let you focus on your studies  thoroughly. Being a UPSC aspirant, it is essential to have a calm mind  which can be made possible by yoga and meditation.

3.Eating healthy

If  you have to study hard, you must remain healthy, fit, and fine. So,   along with some physical drills, it is also essential to eat healthy   foods. During your UPSC journey, consume easily digestible foods.   Besides, eat carbohydrates to get adequate energy to study hard.

4.Taking breaks

Before  you sit to study, prepare a timetable with time for taking breaks in   between. Studying for long hours is sure to make you feel bored.


Therefore,  when you are about to sit for the UPSC exam, you will surely experience  stress and tension. All you need to do is to know to manage stress.

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