Research Papers

Research papers

Quantitative Spatial Economics

"Skill-Biased Technical Change and Regional Convergence," July 2022, revise & resubmit at Journal of Political Economy,  Online Appendix

Press Coverage: ["MarginalRevolution", "The Atlantic",  Brookings", "Bloomberg", "CityLab"," The New York Times", "The Atlantic", "The Economist", "Associated Press", " The Upshot (NYT)"] 

"Unpacking Moving",  December 2023, with Qi Li, Nuno Paixao, Xinle Pang, reject & resubmit at Review of Economic Studies

"Consumption Segregation",  April 2023, with Corina Boar  

 "Unequal Global Convergence", April 2023, with Shoumitro Chatterjee [NEW DRAFT SOON!]

"Living in a Ghost Town: The Geography of Aging and Depopulation", with Yuhei Miyauchi, Nuno Paixao, Xinle Pang and Yuta Suzuki [DRAFT SOON!]

"The Local Moving Channel: Learning from an  Oil Crisis", with Nuno Paixao and Xinle Pang [NEW DRAFT SOON!]

"JUE Insight: The Geography of Pandemic Containment"Journal of Urban Economics, with Nuno Paixao, Xinle Pang


"Team Size and Performance: Experimental  Evidence from India", with Giorgia Barboni and Ayah Bohsali [NEW DRAFT SOON!]

[Data collection completed. AEA RCT Registry ]

¨Creative against the Pandemic: Measuring Creativity in Rural India¨, October 2022, with Giorgia Barboni and Karmini Sharma [submitted]

[Part of a long-term project including a randomized control trial  financed by Warwick and IWWAGE]

"On the Welfare of Social Interactions",  with Giorgia Barboni

[Part of a long-term project including a randomized control trial  financed by Warwick and IWWAGE]

"The Long-Term Consequences of a Temporary Shock," May 2018, with Chanont Banternghansa and Sharon Traiberman

"IT Sector in the West Bank, Barriers to Mobility and Knowledge Spillover," October 2020 , with Chiara Fratto

[Project financed by PEDL-CEPR with Exploratory Special Grant]

Policy Papers

"Sustainability of Demand Responsive Approaches to Rural Water Supply: The Case of Kerala," with Luis Andres, Saubhik Deb, Martin Gambrill, George Joseph, Pramod Kannath, Manish Kumar, P.K. Kurian, Rajesh Many, and Abdu Muwonge