After you download an area, use the Google Maps app just like you normally would. If your internet connection is slow or absent, your offline maps will guide you to your destination as long as the entire route is within the offline map.

Offline maps that you downloaded on your phone or tablet must be updated before they expire. When your offline maps expire in 15 days or less, Google Maps tries to update the area automatically when you're connected to Wi-Fi.

Google Maps Offline Karte Download

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Wenn Sie vorhaben, an einen Ort zu reisen, an dem die mobile Datennutzung teuer ist oder keine Internetverbindung zur Verfgung steht, knnen Sie vorher einen Kartenbereich auf Ihrem Smartphone oder Tablet speichern und ihn sich dann offline ansehen. Dieser Kartenbereich wird auch als Offlinekarte bezeichnet.

Nachdem Sie eine Offlinekarte heruntergeladen haben, knnen Sie Google Maps wie gewohnt verwenden. Wenn Ihre Internetverbindung langsam oder nicht verfgbar ist, werden Sie von Ihrer Offlinekarte zu Ihrem Ziel gefhrt, sofern sich die gesamte Route innerhalb der Offlinekarte befindet.

Tipp: Informationen zu ffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und Fahrrad- oder Fugngerrouten sind offline nicht verfgbar. In Offlinewegbeschreibungen erhalten Sie auch keine Verkehrsmeldungen oder alternative Routen und keine Spurfhrung.

Offlinekarten, die Sie auf Ihr Smartphone oder Tablet heruntergeladen haben, mssen vor ihrem Ablauf aktualisiert werden. Wenn Ihre Offlinekarten in den nchsten 15 Tagen ablaufen, wird die Karte automatisch von Google Maps aktualisiert, sobald Sie mit dem WLAN verbunden sind.

This group is for use with ArcGIS Field Maps in which members need to edit the feature layers. We also need the ability to manage offline map areas. I am able to do this in other established groups with folks editing data and web maps shared to the group where I manage offline map areas.

How can I have a web map shared to a group where group members can update the items in the group and I can also manage the offline map areas for use in Field Maps? I have been doing this for other groups over the last year without this 'Shared Updates' label and offline map areas? Today is the first time I've received this new 'Feature disabled' notice. So I'm supposed to unshare and reshare each time I want to create a new offline map? What is going on?

I think my situation is a bit more complicated as I don't own the map and I am only able to edit the map because of the shared update group. And I wanted to create a new offline area because the existing offline area failed to download on devices (which seemed like another weird situation that many had...). Wonder if anyone knows how to solve the situation?

I've just come across this too. I was trying to enable colleagues to update webmaps I'd created by sharing them with a shared update group but then I lost the ability to manage the offline areas myself, even though I am the webmap owner. Did anyone find a fix for this, or is the only way to manage offline areas to log in as the map owner? This seems like a strange limitation.

No I'm afraid not. Wiping the group and making a new one with the 'All group members can contribute' option left everyone, including me, unable to create offline areas. The only solution we've found for other team members to create offline areas is to log in as the map owner which involves sharing passwords so not really a solution.

I am not sure what to try next, other than creating individual Field Maps for each of the layers, but that does not seem to be an efficient solution since people will have to download multiple Field Maps offline areas that are not all housed in the same location.

I'm working with a project its related to Offline map application.Because of that I searched for offline map which shows the defined area. I used MapBox for offline mapping. I can add annotation on this map and draw lines.

Offline implies no internet, the iPhone is still able in most cases to get the users current location from the GPS. That means that you can be quite confidant that you can find out the current location of the user whilst offline.

For each mapping service you will find a different route, maybe not in terms of actual path, but in estimated time, effort etc, what this means is that if you have your own maps (offline in a database), it's up to you to use that data, so you should make your own routing algorithm which I'm sure isn't what you want to do.

You can make offline routing by using graphhopper library by making graph data which contains (Street names, routes,edges) . Graph data is taken by .pbf file which can be taken by (Use this: ) and use commands(in Terminal) that was given by ( -ios/tree/master/graphhopper-ios-sample) to convert .pbf into graph data. Then we can make offline routing with its instruction (All given in graphhopper iOS sample).please refer that carefully. because i have done and finish my project successfully.

I have an idea of building offline Map for my University Campus (its covering almost 3-4 miles). Like new students or guests can navigate to various blocks in campus. Student can see himself/herself marked on map at current location & can chose destination from pre-defined list of places and application will navigate them.

I have explored alot like maptiles can help me in showing maps. But is there any other efficient way of showing campus map ? And I have no idea how will I navigate user (since being a private property area is out of reach of Google's Maps (or some other) API).

Mapbox iOS SDK

 There are three methods available to the Mapbox iOS SDK for offline maps. With cache-based methods, the RMTileCache for an RMMapView can be configured to keep map tiles around based on their count or based on their age in the cache.

It's OSM based and provides full support for offline maps, offline routing & TBT navigation. If you properly connect the road segments then the SDK will be able to create car, bike & pedestrian routes on your data.

Instead of saying "Failed" and allowing me to retry, the offline area sometimes stays in a perpetual state of "packaging". This means that the area has to be deleted and a new area added - very problematic when you have a large team using these offline maps, resulting in them having to delete and redownload map areas.

I've read the blogs on taking maps offline to the best of my ability, and still nothing. I can create offline areas on the device through the Field Maps mobile app, but I can't create offline areas in Portal/Field Maps.

I can't say for sure that your basemap method differs from the script because I haven't tried your method, but it could be. The 19 basemaps downloaded to our portal via the script all say "for Export" in their titles. Only those esri basemaps specifically created for export will allow you to create offline maps areas via the web map. So you might want to try running the script, using one of the "for export" basemaps, and see if you have success.

One caveat that I did find (and only from experience, not from actually reading the data description, because what fun would that be?), is that the downloaded, "for export" basemaps don't allow you to create as large of an offline map area in portal as you could typically do in AGOL. After dinking around in portal to finally get everything working, I found that the offline map area I wanted to download was just too large to create in portal at the resolution I needed. I eventually had to go back and host the project on AGOL to get the offline maps I needed at the size and resolution I needed. Super frustrating.

@LisaMcAleer Thanks for the quick response! So you are able to confirm that using one of these "for export" basemaps did indeed let you successfully create an offline area thru the WebMap settings in Portal?

I think what you discovered about the size limitation of the offline area may also extend to creating it directly on the mobile device. I tried just this morning and an area I chose chugged along for 5 minutes or so then basically vanished, like it failed but without a failure message. I can say with 100% certainty that ESRI does NOT make disconnected editing very smooth! Why don't they just configure their Portal basemaps for offline usage?? That right there would prevent a good chunk of the consternation..

For those still reading as noted by @LisaMcAleer , the default Esri basemaps included in your portal are not enabled for offline use. You can take similar basemaps offline by adding an Esri basemap from ArcGIS Online to your web map.

I have a map that spans the entire state and am creating offline map areas via a desktop web browser to use on our mobile device. All layers have sync enabled but are not editable. It is a read only map.

1) A package for an area is taking well over an hour, sometimes the whole day. These packages are 10 - 20 MB in size so I don't know why it takes so long. The layers are all hosted on the same AGOL site as the map, and all are correct in the areas that successfully are turned into offline maps.

2) One area for an offline map fails repeatedly. It appears there is some sort of smaller problem area within the area I'm choosing as I can make an offline area in one place and then try and make an identical size one adjacent to it and it fails. Since this area is using the same base map as every other successful offline area, I do not know why the failure is happening.

3) On my mobile device, I tried to create an offline area through the Field Maps App while connected to the internet. It fails with no error log or message. One moment its creating it, the next that area disappears from the list. 2351a5e196

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