Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®  has the power to galvanize our organization of more than 120,000 active members, create a ripple effect, and make a significant impact on our environment.

We will employ select strategies to optimize our collective ability and to improve and protect the environment at scale. We will prioritize activities that promote the adoption of more sustainable and responsible practices.

Why Is Environmental Justice Important? 

What is Environmental Justice?

The father of the environmental justice movement and past, renowned professor at Clark Atlanta University (HBCU), Dr. Robert Bullard,, stated:

"Environmental justice is the fair treatment of people of all races, incomes, and cultures with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. Environmental justice advocates for the people who are the most impacted by pollution. Impacted  residents need to be in the room when decisions are being made and policies are being enacted that will impact their health, welfare and quality of life. More than being present in the room, they need to have significant input and the final say to what kinds of projects, initiatives, and resources are advanced, and how they get applied. "

Click here to listen to Dr. Bullard's, "What is Environmental Justice?".

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