Cardboard is a generic term for heavy paper-based products. The construction can range from a thick paper known as paperboard to corrugated fiberboard which is made of multiple plies of material. Natural cardboards can range from grey to light brown in color, depending on the specific product; dyes, pigments, printing, and coatings are available.

The term "cardboard" has general use in English and French,[1][2] but the term cardboard is deprecated in commerce and industry as not adequately defining a specific product.[3] Material producers, container manufacturers,[4] packaging engineers,[5]and standards organizations,[6] use more specific terminology.

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In 2020, the United States hit a record high in its yearly use of one of the most ubiquitous manufactured materials on earth, cardboard. With around 80 percent of all the products sold in the United States being packaged in cardboard, over 120 billion pieces were used that year.[7] In the same year, over 13,000 separate pieces of consumer cardboard packaging were thrown away by American households, combined with all paper products, and this constitutes almost 42 percent of all solid waste generated by the United States annually. In an effort to reduce this environmental impact, many households have started repurposing cardboard boxes for eco-friendly purposes.

Various types of cards are available, which may be called "cardboard". Included are: thick paper (of various types) or pasteboard used for business cards, aperture cards, postcards, playing cards, catalog covers, binder's board for bookbinding, scrapbooking, and other uses which require higher durability than regular paper.

Corrugated fiberboard is a combination of paperboards, usually two flat liners and one inner fluted corrugated medium. It is often used for making corrugated boxes for shipping or storing products. This type of cardboard is also used by artists as original material for sculpting.[12]

Most types of cardboard are recyclable. Boards that are laminates, wax coated, or treated for wet-strength are often more difficult to recycle. Clean cardboard (i.e., cardboard that has not been subject to chemical coatings) "is usually worth recovering, although often the difference between the value it realizes and the cost of recovery is marginal".[13] Cardboard can be recycled for industrial or domestic use. For example, cardboard may be composted or shredded for animal bedding.[14]

The material had been first made in France, in 1751, by a pupil of Raumur, and was used to reinforce playing cards.[citation needed]The term cardboard has been used since at least 1848, when Anne Bront mentioned it in her novel The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.[15] The Kellogg brothers first used paperboard cartons to hold their flaked corn cereal, and later, when they began marketing it to the general public, a heat-sealed bag of wax paper was wrapped around the outside of the box and printed with their brand name. This development marked the origin of the cereal box, though in modern times the sealed bag is plastic and is kept inside the box. The Kieckhefer Container Company, run by John W. Kieckhefer, was another early American packaging industry pioneer. It excelled in the use of fiber shipping containers, particularly the paper milk carton.

To build your own viewer all you need are a few everyday items you can find in your garage, online, or at your local hardware store: cardboard, lenses, magnets, hook and loop fastener and a rubber band.

On March 5, 2013, Fort Collins became the first community in Colorado requiring corrugated cardboard to be recycled or reused, diverting an anticipated 12,000 tons of bulky cardboard from cluttering our landfill.

Since it began considering this ordinance in November 2012, the City Council heard extensively from local citizens and businesses on the pros and cons of banning cardboard from the landfill. Ultimately, Council's decision was guided by two main factors: meeting the goal of diverting 50% of the community's waste stream from landfill disposal; and, the opportunity to prevent approximately 42,000 tons of CO2 equivalents from being released. This translates into fewer harmful greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and a significant step toward achieving the Fort Collins Climate Action Plan goals.

Corrugated cardboard is a strong, versatile material made from two strips of thick brown paper on the top and bottom, with a wavy "corrugated" strip running through the center. It is most commonly found in boxes used for packaging and shipping and is universally accepted for recovery and recycling.

Simply continue to place your flattened corrugated cardboard boxes or packaging in your curbside recycling bin, along with the rest of your recyclables. Rest assured, the new ordinance doesn't change the way households have been recycling cardboard since 2004, when cardboard was included in the Fort Collins curbside program. Residents are also welcome to use the free drop-off sites for cardboard recycling, listed below.

City staff is available to help businesses address challenges they may face in complying with the cardboard disposal ban. Through the City of Fort Collins' Waste Reduction and Recycling Assistance Program (WRAP), businesses can receive free on-site recycling assessments, rebates, and free tools to help begin a recycling program. For information about WRAP and starting a recycling program at your apartment complex or business, contact Caroline Mitchell, Environmental Planner, via e-mail at, or by phone at 970-221-6288.

All entities that use cardboard in Fort Collins are bound by the ordinance. This includes residents, businesses, and industrial operations. If your trash container or dumpster includes more than 25% of cardboard in it, the trash hauler is not allowed to remove your waste.

The ordinance went into effect on March 15, 2013. The current focus for implementation is education and assistance. Warnings will be given while the community adapts to the change and learns to incorporate corrugated cardboard recycling into daily life. However, flagrant violations of the ordinance can result in citations.

City staff, which include Code Compliance and Environmental Services staff, are responsible for monitoring the cardboard disposal ban. A focus will be placed on education and working with residents/businesses to recycle their cardboard. Writing tickets for code violations will only take place after multiple warnings have been issued.

Trash hauling companies have an obligation to identify when a customer's dumpster is frequently filled with cardboard, and to educate the customer about the cardboard disposal ban. Trash haulers are not obligated to provide service when more than 25% recyclable cardboard is included in the trash.

Paperboard, the material used for shoe and cereal boxes, is recyclable. However, since paperboard has only one layer, it is not covered by the ordinance. Waxed cardboard, which is used to ship bulk produce, and food-contaminated cardboard, such as heavily soiled/greasy pizza boxes, are excluded from the ordinance. These materials are not considered recyclable cardboard and should be composted or landfilled. Note: Pizza boxes that are not significantly soiled should be recycled.

By recycling paper fiber like cardboard, we're saving on our nation's forestry resources. Healthy supplies of recycled fiber allow the timber industry to let trees grow longer, instead of harvesting them early as replacement fiber to make paper. Recycling one ton of cardboard saves approximately 16 young trees from being harvested, and the longer trees grow, the more high-value habitat they offer for wildlife. Plus, recycling cardboard requires only 75% of the energy used to make new cardboard.

Fort Collins' ban on landfilling cardboard can have a positive economic outcome. Cardboard is considered a high-quality commodity and is valuable as a feedstock for making new cardboard and other paper products. Rather than paying to landfill cardboard, its value can be extended through recycling or reuse. Some additional impact include:

An estimated 4,200 tons of cardboard were recycled by the Fort Collins community in 2011. According to data collected from local trash haulers to the City, the community could have recycled nearly 12,000 additional tons of cardboard, which was landfilled instead.

Landfill disposal of cardboard is banned by nine states; California, Connecticut, Maine, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Vermont, as well as Washington, DC. However, it is unlikely that Colorado will adopt a statewide policy regarding cardboard in the near future. Communities that have taken the step of restricting cardboard disposal from landfills include Wake and Orange counties in North Carolina, and Linn County, Iowa.

In 2006, the "Fort Collins Solid Waste 5-Year Strategic Plan: Strategies to Reach 50% Diversion from Landfill Disposal" was prepared for the City. The report showed that creating local restrictions on placing cardboard in the waste stream would significantly reduce Fort Collins' trash, adding as many as 12,000 new tons/year of recovered cardboard in the recycling program, which represents a reduction of 42,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (greenhouse gas emissions avoided by manufacturers' use of recycled cardboard to make new boxes, as well as fewer methane emissions from landfills).

City staff started outreach to the community in the fall of 2012 concerning the ordinance. Meetings were held with members of the trash/recycling and hauling industry, Chamber of Commerce, and a variety of City staff to discuss the implications of restrictions on corrugated cardboard disposal. Newspaper columns, television bulletins and web spotlights, as well as utility bill inserts were published. An Open House was conducted on November 8, 2012, to introduce the proposal to the community. Public comments were gathered in-person and online. Comments from citizens and specially affected interests were reported during a work session with the City Council on November 27, 2012. 2351a5e196

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