

Gratitude from the Russian Academy of Science, July 2021.

St Petersburg State University Award for scientific works (Premija “Za nauchnye trudy”) in the category ‘Contribution to science made by young researchers’, December 2018.

International Award of the Academy of Europe for young scientists ‘Academia Europaea Prize’ in Humanities, December 2016.

Best oral presentation award. XVI international conference of undergraduate and graduate students and young scholars “Lomonosov”. Section “Philology”, Moscow State University, April 2009.

2nd place in the Fifth Saint-Petersburg Contest of Young Translators Sensum de Sensu (Nomination: "Translation from French into Russian (poetry)"), 2005. 

Winner of the 2004-2005 Federal Program of Vladimir Potanin Foundation.

Golden medal "For special achievements in learning", 2002.