Publications in peer-reviewed journals

Evaluation of a Flemish Active Labour Market Policy in the Framework of the European Social Fund. Results and challenges (with G. Canzian and G. Santangelo) Socio-Economic Planning Science, 2023

The unexpected influencer: Pope Francis and European Perception on the Recent Refugee Crisis (with C. Deiana, G. Mazzarella and L. Tiozzo Pezzoli),  Oxford Economics Papers , 2023.

Allocation of time and child socio-emotional skills (with D. Piazzalunga and C. Pronzato), Review of Economics of the Household, 2022.

An Age–Period–Cohort Approach to disentangling generational differences in family values and religious beliefs: Understanding the modern Australian family today (with E. Vera-Toscano), Demographic Research. 2021, 45(20), Pages  653-692 

An Age–Period–Cohort Approach to the Incidence and Evolution of Overeducation and Skills Mismatch (with E. Vera-Toscano), Social Indicators Research, 2021

Geographical proximity to refugee reception centres and voting (with M. Bratti, C. Deiana, E. Havari and G. Mazzarella), Journal of Urban Economics, 120, 2020.

Early Education and Gender Differences. (with D. Del Boca, E. Martino, D. Piazzalunga), 2019 Economia Italiana

Cohort patterns in adult literacy skills: How are new generations doing? (with S. Flisi, V. Goglio, E. Vera-Toscano), Journal of Policy Modeling, 41(1),2019.

The persistence of overducation among recent graduates, (with E. Vera-Toscano) Labour Economics, Volume 48, October 2017, Pages 120–143 .

Should we increase instruction time in low achieving schools? Evidence from Southern Italy, (with E. Battistin) Economics of Education Review, Volume 55, 2016, Pages 39-56.

Measuring Occupational Mismatch: Overeducation and Overskill in Europe—Evidence from PIAAC, (with S. Flisi, V. Goglio, M. Rodrigues, E. Vera-Toscano), Social Indicators Research, 2016, Pages 1-39.

How do students react to longer instruction time? Evidence from Italy, (with G. Abbiati) Education Economics, Volume 24(6), 2016, Pages 592-611.

Can low skill teachers make good students? Empirical evidence from PIAAC and PISA, (with E. Vera-Toscano and P. Costa), Journal of Policy Modeling, Volume 37(2) 2015, Pages 308–323.

Grandparenting and Childbearing in the Extended Family, (with A. Aassve and C. Pronzato) European Journal of Population, Volume 28(4), 2012 Pages 499–518.

Leaving Mum Alone? The Effect of Parental Separation on Children’s Decisions to Leave Home, (with L. Mencarini and C. Pronzato), European Journal of Population, Volume 28(3), 2012, Pages 337–357.

Working papers and work in progress

The Long-Term Causal Effects of Winning an ERC Grant,  ( with C. Ghirelli, E. Havari, and S. Verzillo) IZA WP 16108 

Evaluation of the higher education grant system for disadvantaged students in Portugal (with S. Guthmuller).  Link to report

Income-based family typology and child development: evidence from the UK (with F.  Verga) DIW WP 2049

Use of time and children’s behavior at the time of COVID (with C. Pronzato). Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers

Studying During a Pandemic: the Impact of Covid19 on Higher Education Choices in the Netherlands (with M. Colagrossi, S. Granato, and G. Mazzarella)

Other publications and Policy reports 

Active Labour Market Policies in Flanders. Evaluation of the ESF Work Experience for Young Persons programme (with G. Canzian, J. Foubert and G. Santangelo), 2020, JRC Publication N: JRC113899

Advanced counterfactual evaluation methods - Guidance document (with C. Deiana and A. Geraci) 2019, EC publication: KE-04-19-627-EN-N, doi:10.2767/464242

Feasibility study for the overall impact evaluation of the European Social Fund (with C. Deiana, G. Mazzarella, P. Morsberger and P. Paruolo), 2017, JRC Publication N: JRC107188

Motherhood Postponement and Wages in Europe (with M. Bratti and C. Pronzato)  ifo DICE Report 15.2 (2017): 31-37,

Educational outcomes and immigrant background, (with S. Flisi and E. Vera-Toscano), 2016, JRC Publication N°: JRC102629

Indicators for early childhood education and care, (with S. Flisi and E. Vera-Toscano), 2016, JRC Publication N°: JRC102774

Skills beyond education.  An analysis of cognitive skill evolution and its implications for employment chances, (with S. Flisi, V. Goglio, E. Vera-Toscano and C. Dragomirscu Gaina), 2015, JRC Publication N°: JRC95221

School-to-work transition of young individuals: what can the ELET and NEET indicators tell us? (with S. Flisi, V. Goglio, E. Vera-Toscano), 2015, JRC Publication N°: JRC95223

Towards a new benchmark on adult skills for sustainable growth: A revision of potential indicators and sub-indicators for monitoring, (with S. Flisi, V. Goglio, E. Vera-Toscano), 2014, JRC Publication N°: JRC92448

Adult Participation in Lifelong Learning. The impact of using a 12-months or 4-weeks reference period. Technical briefing, (with V. Goglio), 2014, JRC Publication N°: JRC92330

Monitoring the Evolution of Education and Training Systems: A Guide to the Joint Assessment Framework, (with S. Flisi and V. Goglio), 2014, JRC Publication N°: JRC91809

Occupational mismatch in Europe: Understanding overeducation and overskilling for policy making, (with S. Flisi, V. Goglio, M. Rodrigues, E. Vera-Toscano), 2014, JRC Publication N°: JRC89712

PhD thesis

Average and quantile effects of more instruction time in low achieving schools: evidence from Southern Italy, 2013,