
  • A.Ys. 2005, 2006, 2007: Teaching assistant in Institutions of Mathematical Analysis 1 for the Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics, University of Padova (Italy). [Main teachers: Prof. Brunella Bruno and Prof. Alessandro Languasco].

  • A.Y. 2006: Teaching assistant, recitations in english, in Mathematics for the Ph.D. in “Economics”, “Finance” and “Business Administration and Management”, Bocconi Commercial University (Italy). [Main teacher: Prof. Gino Favero].

  • A.Ys. 2008, 2012: Mathematical Finance for the Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics Economics and Finance, University of Padova (Italy). [Regular teacher].

  • A.Y. 2010: Probability for the Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics, University of Padova (Italy). [Regular teacher].

  • A.Ys. 2014, 2015, 2016: Teaching assistant in Financial Mathematics, Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy). [Main teacher: Prof. Antonella Basso].

  • A.Y. 2015: Statistics for the Bachelor’s Degree in Biology, University of Padova. [Regular teacher].

  • A.Y. 2016: Mathemathical tools for economics and finance 2, recitations in english, for the Master’s Degree in Economics and Finance, University of Padova. [Regular teacher].

  • A.Ys. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020: Teaching assistant, recitations in english, in Probability and Stochastic Calculus for the Master in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management, Bocconi Commercial University. [Main teachers: Prof. Giorgia Callegaro - Prof. Marina Santacroce].

  • A.Ys. 2019, 2020: Mathematical Finance for the Master’s Degree in Economics and Law, University of Padova. [Regular teacher].

  • A.Ys. 2019, 2020: Mathematical Finance for the Degree in Statistics, University of Padova. [Regular teacher].

  • A.Y. 2019-2020: Modeling interacting agents in Social Sciences [program] for the PhD in Mathematical Sciences, University of Padova. [Regular teacher].