Selected Talks

    • June 06, 2007: "A dynamic contagion model: financial interpretation of a mean field interacting particle model" in Seminar Graduate Series (University of Padova, Italy). [Notes: p. 60-68]

    • January 26, 2009: "Critical dynamics for a mean-field model motivated by credit risk" (University of Verona, Italy). [Slides]

    • July 22, 2011: "Endogenous equilibria in liquid markets with frictions and boundedly rational agents" (Eighth International ISDG Workshop, Palazzo del Bo, Padova, Italy). [Slides].

    • November 27, 2012: "Large portfolio losses: A dynamic contagion model" (University of Verona, Italy). [Slides]

    • July 17, 2013: "Probabilistic models for interacting agents facing binary decisions" (Heraklion (Crete), Greece). [Slides]

    • September 7, 2013 "Monopolistic pricing on the edge of a technological change" (XXXVII Conference A.M.A.S.E.S. 2013, Stresa, Italy). [Slides]

    • October 24, 2014 "Strategic interaction in interacting particle system" (Berlin - Padova Young researchers Meeting in Probability, WIAS, TU, University of Potsdam (Berlin–Potsdam)). [Slides]