
Descriptions of all eLeMeNt's system versions and updates are in the document eLeMeNt ZX Core&SetUp revisions.


The latest files for eLeMeNt ZX SetUp and FPGA AU and AU+ Core updates.

Runable directly from the esxDOS, the file FlashSetup.tap for the SetUp and the file ElCoreUp.tap for the FPGA Core.

Note: If both SetUp and Core are new in the update package, you must update the SetUp first, then start this SetUp and choose “Load BIOS defaults + restart" (CapsShift+L), before updating the FPGA Core.

FPGA Core (binary files for the Alchitry loader)

FPGA Update tools

Install Alchitry Loader from Alchitry Labs website. There is also a Linux version available.

Some Win10 users complain to Alchitry loader doesn't work after installation. In this case try to install FTDI drives from 


Useful applications, demonstration programs, incl. popular Pentagon demoscene, musical and graphic software. some zip files need password: zxspectrum