Support Judge Versaci

Campaign Contributions

We are grateful for the support of our friends, family and community.

Campaign contributions can be made via DonorBox

Click here to make an online donation

Checks payable to "Volunteers for Versaci" can be sent via mail to Volunteers for Versaci

c/o David Cardona (Campaign Treasurer) 24 Wedgewood Lane, Voorheesville, NY 12186.

Thank you!

I understand that NY State law requires that a contribution be in my name and be from my own funds. I hereby affirm that this contribution is being made from my personal and/or business funds, is not being reimbursed in any manner, and is not being made as a loan. My contribution is NOT tax deductible. NY State law prohibits making a contribution in someone else’s name, reimbursing someone for a contribution made in your name, being reimbursed for a contribution made in your name, or claiming to have made a contribution when a loan is made.