Why I'm Running

"Every great journey, starts with a single step"

My inspiration derives from the experience of the cost of living here in Hawaii. It has and is becoming an ever growing burden for our neighbors, families, friends, and individuals. Forcing many into poverty and eventually even having to make difficult decisions like whether a bill should be paid or for food to be put on the table. This is simply wrong, it is not humane. 

Why can't we take care of our people first before anything else within our state?

This is precisely why I'm running. To help our state get back on it's feet before it is too late. For the people now to have a better life, and especially for our future generations to not have to deal with the ever growing burden, that is the cost of living. For far too long we've talked about the cost of living going up and up, year after year, but we haven't take any drastic measures that may be needed for the greater good of our community. We must tackle this burden, and we must address this now rather than later. I want to see us as a community move forward, not backward.