Essays and Articles
"Write a Story for Me!" Wilson Library Bulletin, 31, 8 (April 1957): 615-617
"The Unforgettable Glimpse." Wilson Library Bulletin, 37 (October 1962): 147-153 (revised and republished in The Green and Burning Tree)
"Of Style and the Stylist." Horn Book, 40 (February 1964): 25-32. (Revised and republished in The Green and Burning Tree)
"The Dearest Freshness Deep Down Things." Horn Book, 40 (October 1964): 459-433. (Revised and republished in The Green and Burning Tree)
"Why Not for Children?" Horn Book, 42 (February 1966): 21-33 (Revised and republished in The Green and Burning Tree as "A Sense of Audience")
"The Owl Service: A Study." Wilson Library Bulletin, 44, 4 (December 1969): 425-433
"The Art of Elizabeth Enright." Horn Book, 45 (December 1969): 641-651; 46 (February 1970): 26-30
-"The Power of Private Vision." San Francisco Sunday Examiner & Chronicle circa November 1970
"High Fantasy: A Wizard of Earthsea." Horn Book, 47 (April 1971): 129-138
"Cameron Books Based on Pacific Grove." The Pacific Grove Tribune and Pebble Beach Green Sheet, March 17, 1971
"McLuhan, Youth, and Literature," Horn Book, 48 (October 1972): 433-440; 48 (December 1972): 572-579; 49 (February 1973): 79-85
"A Question of Taste." Children's Literature in Education, Vol. 7, Issue 2 (June 1976): 59-63.
"Of Dreams, Art, and the Unconscious." The Openhearted Audience: Ten Authors Talk About Writing for Children. Virginia Haviland, ed. 1980 Library of Congress: Washington. Revised and republished in The Seed and the Vision; also in Library of Congress Quarterly Journal, 35 (April 1978): 92-107
"A Branch of the Tree: Children's Literature as World Literature" Prelude: Mini-Seminars on Using Books Creatively, Series 4, Children's Book Council, 1979. Sound recording.
"Art and Morality" Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the Children's Literature Association. Priscilla A. Ord, ed. March 1980: 30-44
"A Response to Perry Nodelman's 'Beyond Explanation'" Children's Literature 12, Francelia Butler, ed. Modern Language Association. 1980. p 134-146
"Fantasy, Science Fiction and the Mushroom Planet Books." Children's Literature Association Quarterly, 6 (Winter 1981): 1, 5-9
"One Woman as Writer and Feminist," Children's Literature Association Quarterly, 7 (Winter 1982): 3-6 (Revised and republished in The Seed and the Vision)
"The Inmost Secret." Horn Book, 59 (February 1983): 17-24 (Revised and republished in The Seed and the Vision)
"Art and Morality" in Festschrift: A Ten Year Retrospective. Perry Nodelman and Jill P. May, eds. Children's Literature Association Publications. 1983: 28-35
"A SECOND LOOK: Gone-Away Lake." Horn Book, 60, 5 (September/October 1984): 622-626
"The Eternal Moment." Children's Literature Association Quarterly, 9 (Winter 1984): 157-164
"With Winkled Brow and Cool Fresh Eye." Horn Book, 61 (May/June 1985): 280-288; 61 (July/August 1985): 426-431 (Revised and republished in The Seed and the Vision)
"A Writer's Journey." Innocence and Experience: Essays and Conversation on Children's Literature. Barbara Harrison and Gregory Maguire, eds. Lothrop Lee & Shepard Books: New York, 1987. 30-44
"Books Remembered: Eleanor Cameron." The Children's Book Council, 41, 1 (January - August 1987)
When I Was a Child. Barbara Rosen, ed. Children's Literature Association. 1992.
"A Discussion of Peter Dickinson's Eva." Horn Book, 70, 3 (May/June 1994): 291-297
"A Child Besotted with Words." Books that Invite Talk, Wonder, and Play with Language. Janice Kristo and Amy McClure, eds. National Council of Teachers of English: Urbana, IL, 1996. 231-235.
Book Reviews:
"The Intruder by John Rowe Townsend." New York Times Book Review, April 26, 1970: BR16
"The First Four Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder." New York Times Book Review, March 28, 1971: 28
"At Her Back She Always Heard: A Sound of Chariots by Mollie Hunter." New York Times Book Review, November 5, 1972: 6
"Greenwitch by Susan Cooper." New York Times, May 4, 1974: 43
"The Stronghold by Mollie Hunter." New York Times, July 21, 1974: 261
"A Gathering of Gargoyles by Meredith Ann Pierce." New York Times Book Review, December 30, 1984: 19
"A Fairy Tale Gone Wrong." [review of The Land Beyond by Maria Gripe] Psychology Today, February 1975
"The Growing Adult in the Child." [review of The Pied Pipers: Interviews with the Influential Creators of Children's Literature by Justin Wintle and Emily Fisher] Psychology Today, July 1975
Cricket Magazine:
"Books I Wish You Would Read." Volume 1, Number 1 (September 1973). Eleanor recommends The Reluctant Dragon by Kenneth Grahame and One Morning in Maine by Robert McCloskey.
"Cricket's Bookshelf." Volume 2, Number 1 (September 1974). Eleanor recommends Aesop's Fables as retold by Anne Terry White and Helen Siegl and Finn Family Moomintroll by Tove Jansson.
"The Pale Planet." Volume 2, Number 10 (June 1975). An excerpt from The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet with new illustrations by Mike Eagle.
"Meet Your Author," Volume 2, Number 10 (June 1975). Eleanor tells about the origin of The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet, as well as some of the strange coincidences that occurred after its writing.
"Cricket's Bookshelf." Volume 3, Number 2 (October 1975). Eleanor recommends The Ghost of Thomas Kempe by Penelope Lively.
"About Beatrix." Volume 3, Number 4 (December 1975). Eleanor tells the tale of Beatrix Potter's childhood and how it informed her stories.
"Cricket's Bookshelf." Volume 3, Number 4 (December 1975). Eleanor recommends "The Tale of Gloucester" by Beatrix Potter.
"A Web of Sunny Air." Volume 3, Number 5 (January 1976). Eleanor reveals details of the Anne, Emily, Charlotte, and Branwell Bronte's childhoods.
"Cricket's Bookshelf." Volume 3, Number 5 (January 1976). Eleanor recommends The Return of the Twelves by Pauline Clarke.
"I Am Really Alive!" Volume 3, Number 12 (August 1976). The story of Wanda Gag's childhood.
"Cricket's Bookshelf." Volume 3, Number 12 (August 1976). Eleanor recommends Millions of Cats and The Funny Thing by Wanda Gag. She shares how both books were initially rejected.
"The Sconsapuffin." Volume 8, Number 11 (July 1981). A short story about Janey Daniels, who has a horrifying visit with her neighbor Ms. McWhirter while vacationing in the mountains. With illustrations by Shirley Hughes.
"Janey by Moonlight," Volume 10, Number 11 (July 1983). Another short story featuring Janey Daniels, who this time becomes locked out of her house one evening. With illustrations by Mary Beth Schwark. This story was reprinted in slightly revised version in Bright Wonders, a third grade reader in The Economy Reading Series, with new illustrations by C.S. Ewing.
"Unicorn." [poem] Horn Book, 39 (October 1963): 474-475
"Sharp Up!" [letter] School Library Journal, 19 (January 1974): 4.
"Afterward." Charlotte Sometimes by Penelope Farmer. Dell Yearling. 1987: 171-174
"To David - At Six Months." [poem] Lifelines: A Poetry Anthology Patterned on the Stages of Life. Leonard Marcus, ed. Dutton, 1994.