The Private Worlds of Julia Redfern

Publication: 1988, Dutton

Awards/Recognition:Parent's Choice Award List; ALA Notable

Working title: The Willful One; Julia's Way; The Cool Changes

Cover: Trina Schart Hyman

From the flap:

"In this long-awaited sequel to A Room Made of Windows, Julia Redfern is fifteen, caught up in an intricate pattern of changing relationships. As always there is her family; but now, when Julia writes her best story yet, they finally understand what the loss of her father has meant to her.

There is Rhiannon Moore, supporting Julia's writing and acting, but needing Julia's support too. And there is her beloved Uncle Hugh, taking a momentous step that brings Julia both shock and conflict. But resolution is possible because she herself is learning the heady mixture of joys that come with first love. More importantly, in Eleanor Cameron's finely wrought novel, the impetuous nature of the younger Julia is maturing to a richer, more distinct awareness of the private worlds of those she loves."

Paperback Editions:

  • Puffin, 1990, $4.95