BEyond Silence

Publication: 1980, Dutton, $9.95

Original price: $9.95

Cover: Michael Heslop

From the flap:

"'Hoagy should be here, I thought. Any other way never even thought of. But no use thinking. Just take everything for now, for the moment. Don't go outside or back. Don't go back.'

But the trip to Scotland, to the castle where his father had spent so many memorable childhood days, was a going back, no matter what Andy willed for himself. Furthermore, the past that he found was not his own - the one he was trying to escape from, in which he had lost his brother - but Deirdre's.

This past belonged to the castle, and yet it came alive to Andy in a way that seemed to make him a part of other lives - and they a part of him, an American boy of fifteen.

Once again, Eleanor Cameron deals with the shifting boundaries of time and the inner core of the human spirit in an absorbing story that communicates the wonder and paradox of both."

Other editions:

​Dell Laurel-Leaf, 1985, $2.75