Elcho Area Health Planning Inc.


TO Donate 

This group is dedicated to the improvement of Health in Our Community.

 We are a 501 C3 Corporation

Great meeting tonight, thanks to everyone that attended!!

Planned improvements include:

If you have questions please contact elchoahp@gmail.com or

 Our Project Manager, Dan Borchardt, P.E.  dborchardt@msa-ps.com

Mission of  Our Current Project

WHO: Elcho Area Health Planning, Inc. (EAHP) has been working in our community for over 40 years! We brought you the clinic, fitness classes, scholarships, and more, and now want to build a bicycle & pedestrian trail through Elcho.

WHAT: The trail will be for pedestrians and bicycles; parts will be paved and parts will be crushed gravel. It will be on the east side of Hwy 45 from Co. B (along the old railroad grade) to Co. G

WHEN: Some work has already started; much will happen alongside the Highway 45 construction in 2025.

WHY: We want residents and visitors to have a safe place to walk, roll, and ride bikes away from traffic of the street and Hwy 45.

WHERE: Phase 1 will run along the east side of Highway 45 connecting Enterprise Lake Road to the park at the north end of Otter Lake.

HOW: With your help! What time, expertise, or funds could you contribute to this community project?

 Look for us on Facebook!!

Elcho Community Bike & Pedestrian Trail

The group, in conjunction with the Elcho Bike Club, are joining forces to construct a community Bicycle Pedestrian Trail. The Town of Elcho has given their support to this effort. No Town funding will be used for this project. There is a TAP Grant the group has applied for, upfront funding is coming from private donations. 

Scholarship to any Graduate of Elcho High School, past or present to continue their education in the field of healthcare. Awarding one Scholarship recipient each year.


Original Project that started this group.

In 1978 Elcho Area Health Planning was formed. The retirement of Dr. Daily left no healthcare provider in Elcho. This group raised money and helped obtain Dr. Robert Keener to continue needed healthcare in the community.

