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A Bamboo build job can be run on an elastic agent, provided that the capabilities of the elastic agent meet the requirements of the job. Bamboo will assign the relevant job to an available elastic agent from the build queue automatically. The elastic agent must already be running for a job to be assigned to it.

An elastic agent is started by creating a new instance of an elastic image. Creating this new elastic instance automatically runs an elastic agent process in the instance. The agent inherits the capabilities of the image it was created from. Only one agent process can be run in an instance, although multiple instances can be created from the same image.

Once a job has completed running on an elastic agent, its results are made available (like those of any other job executed on a non-elastic agent). The elastic agent and instance will continue to run until they are shut down. Shutting down an elastic instance will terminate the agent, not take it offline. However, Bamboo will store historical information about the terminated elastic agent, such as the job which it has run.

Did you know you can configure Bamboo to start and shut down elastic instances automatically, based on build queue demands? Please refer to Configuring Elastic Bamboo for more information.

Conceptually, an elastic instance can be thought of as a computer. The elastic agent's processes are run on this computer and the elastic image is the boot hard drive. Unlike computers, however, elastic instances are temporary and stateless. When an elastic instance is shut down:

You can download the data, which our forecast uses to translate generic-congressional-ballot polling to individual districts, on GitHub via this link. However, here, at a glance, is the elasticity of every state (and the District of Columbia), plus the top 25 and bottom 25 congressional districts (higher scores are more elastic, lower scores are less).

Note that the sample sizes for individual districts are relatively small in the CCES, and therefore the elasticity scores can be slightly noisy. Our House model uses these scores in a variety of ways, and for some purposes, it discounts them toward a mean of 1 to account for potential problems because of sampling error.

Connect to 'Elasticsearch', a 'NoSQL' database built on the 'Java' Virtual Machine. Interacts with the 'Elasticsearch' 'HTTP' API (), including functions for setting connection details to 'Elasticsearch' instances, loading bulk data, searching for documents with both 'HTTP' query variables and 'JSON' based body requests. In addition, 'elastic' provides functions for interacting with API's for 'indices', documents, nodes, clusters, an interface to the cat API, and more.

Example: You have Elasticsearch 5.0.0 installed and want to use Elastic. As listed above, you should use Elastic 5.0. So you first install Elastic 5.0 with: go get gopkg.in/olivere/elastic.v5 You the use the following import path in your Go code: import "gopkg.in/olivere/elastic.v5"

Starting with Elastic 7.0, we support Go modules. You must use an import path ofgithub.com/olivere/elastic/v7. Notice that you also must use aversion of Go that is compatible with Go modules (Go 1.10.3 or later).

With Elastic 6.0 we started tagging releases directly ongithub.com/olivere/elastic. So with Elastic 6.x forward, youshould also be able to usedep. Notice however that dep stilllacks support for version numbers in import paths (see PR #1963).

Elastic training enables Horovod to scale up and down the number of workers dynamically at runtime, withoutrequiring a restart or resuming from checkpoints saved to durable storage. With elastic training, workers can comeand go from the Horovod job without interrupting the training process.

The first argument to this decorated function should be an instance of hvd.elastic.State. Before executing thedecorated function, this state object will be synchronized across workers. This ensures that workers that werenewly added, as well as workers that might have inconsistent state, all share the same state before training begins.

Standard state implementations are provided for TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch. However, it may be necessary in some cases to overridethe base hvd.elastic.State object to handle broadcasting custom types.

Elastic training jobs are started using the horovodrun command line tool. The major difference when launchingelastic jobs is that hosts are not specified explicitly, but instead discovered at runtime. The most general wayto allow Horovod to discover available hosts is to provide a --host-discovery-script when launching the job:

Comment by madr on Where Have All the Flexible Designs Gone?Two more good points are made here about using fixed-width layouts:Banners and ads are usually made with images and Flash movies, making it harder to do an elastic or flexible design. I have worked in the newspaper world for a year and a half, and the ads really are a holy cow in these areas. So are article images, for which an elastic layout would make the viewing area too big for the top image.

Comment by Georg on About Fluid- and Fixed-Width LayoutsAn explanation of how one designer uses a mix of all three to get the best results:Fluid main part, fixed sidebars and (maybe) some elastic parts is my preferred layout method. I always keep text areas within 600px max-width though, and hack IE/win.

We propose to replace the existing metaspace memory allocator with a buddy-based allocation scheme. This is an old and proven algorithm which has been used successfully in, e.g., the Linux kernel. This scheme will make it practical to allocate metaspace memory in smaller chunks, which will reduce class-loader overhead. It will also reduce fragmentation, which will allow us to improve elasticity by returning unused metaspace memory to the operating system.

Finally, to fully exploit the elasticity offered by buddy allocation we will arrange metaspace memory into uniformly-sized granules which can be committed and uncommitted independently of each other. The size of these granules can be controlled by a new command-line option, which provides a simple way to control virtual-memory fragmentation.

Relying too much upon the C allocator brings its own risk. C-heap allocators can come with their own set of problems, e.g., high fragmentation and poor elasticity. Since these issues are not under our control, solving them requires cooperation with operating-system vendors, which can be time-intensive and easily negate the advantage of reduced code complexity.

Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking gives you the communications agility to quickly respond to changing business needs. Take control of your communications with our on-demand self-service trunk provisioning and innovative on-demand cloud features, all with unlimited capacity and elastic scaling.

The Community wants to hear from you! Present about your Elastic Stack stories, be it a 5-15 minute lightning talk or a detailed 25-45 minute technical presentation with Q&A. Our Speaker Guide is full of tips on giving a stellar presentation. If you\u2019re interested, visit the elastic/call-for-meetups repo.

Hosting a meetup at your office is another way to get more involved with the community. This is a great way to showcase your space (especially if you\u2019re trying to recruit). Your facilities don\u2019t need to be fancy \u2014 we\u2019re looking for a comfortable vibe, a projector, screen, chairs*, and a place to serve refreshments. If you\u2019re interested, email meetups@elastic.co.

We\u2019d love to have this user group meet more regularly, so we\u2019re looking for a local organizer who will help the group thrive, and the Community Team at Elastic is here to support you. If you\u2019re interested, email us at meetups@elastic.co. 006ab0faaa

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