I'm auditioning Orthanc + WADO, after setting up the plugin "OrthancDicomWeb-0.1.dll" in the config file and restart the Orthanc, by calling the URI below he returned to DICOM image ... Fantastico!Example:

 :8042/wado?requestType=WADO&studyUID=1.2.840.113745.101000.1008000.38046.4274.5925160&seriesUID= that's the only URI that works ... If I remove part of the URI keeping only "studyUID" he deveri not return all of the studies?But the goal is to integrate Orthanc with a viewer that supports WADO communication ... but for this viewer can locate the "objectUID" he did not need to make another query that returns the "patients" -> "studies" -> "series" -> "objects" ???As this consultation work? Already I consulted the specification often and I can not understand.Sorry ignorance.Thank you!


I suspect that the theme of this thread on wado and bunkai essentially falls to the fact that there are so many variations of wado because of ego, money, time, and distance; that this variable style is going to be inherently impossible to pigeon hole. Ohtsukas original design was to have a practical street variation of shotokan combined with a ju jitsu style; and therein lies the connection between a bone fide bunkai and not. Your own practice of judo alongside your karate undoutedly makes the practice of karate more enticing, exhilarating, and one heck of a lot more fun. I know it is for me, and will keep me enamored for at least another two decades. There is just so much to still learn every day, and to be mentally satisfied is as fulfilling, if not more so, than is the physical component.

Wado Ryu

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CornerstoneWADOImageLoader is a cornerstone image loader that loads DICOM images from a WADO-compliant server. You can install it and initialize to via the following code. Internally, CornerstoneWADOImageLoader registers its wado-rs and wado-uri imageLoaders to Cornerstone3D and uses dicomParser to parse the the metadata and pixel data.

After initialization of the CornerstoneWADOImageLoader, any imageId using the wado-uri scheme will be loaded using the CornerstoneWADOImageLoaderwado-uri image loader and metadata provider (e.g., imageId = 'wado-uri: =WADO&studyUID=1.2.3&seriesUID=4.5.6&objectUID=7.8.9&contentType=application%2Fdicom'), and likewise for wado-rs imageIds which will useCornerstoneWADOImageLoader wado-rs image loader and metadata provider (e.g., imageId = 'wado-rs: '). 006ab0faaa

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